Example sentences of "[conj] from [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , Finlay-Jones and Brown ( 1981 ) were able to show a markedly higher rate of events characterised by danger in the lives of general practice patients suffering from a recent onset of anxiety or from a mixture of anxiety and depression than in the lives of depressed and non-case patients .
2 So we might add to the tripartite analysis the fourth condition that nothing can be known which is inferred from a false belief , or from a group of beliefs of which one is false .
3 Whether you grow a garden on a windowsill or from a packet of seed , EasiGrow and Mr Fothergill 's have the perfect solution .
4 But no system can wholly protect fools from their own folly or from the knavery of others , and the advantages of trying to do so as fully as possible have to be weighed against the disadvantages of imposing fetters on business conducted honestly and efficiently .
5 In cases of death the cause was established either from the case notes or from the Registrar of Births and Deaths .
6 It 's very thick on the outside but almost , you can almost see through some of the bone in the base there and that can be caused by as , a blow on the head if it 's the bolt of the erm brain that 's caused , got the injury , or from the base of skull is usually caused by er landing on your feet from heights , and
7 Parliament listed a number of goods , known as the ‘ enumerated articles ’ , which the colonies were not allowed to send anywhere outside the empire , and which were to be carried out only in ships from England or from the country of origin .
8 It was spearheaded by the rambling and cycling organizations and the movement as a whole included many thousands drawn from the older industrial areas or from the south of England with its new and expanding service and supply trades .
9 ‘ Generally speaking most tradesmen have some ways peculiar to themselves which they either derived from masters who taught them or from the experience of things or from something in the course of business ’ , but this did not strictly apply to undertakers ,
10 The structure has suffered little at the hand of man , or from the lapse of time , so that without much imagination it is possible to picture it as the builders left it about the year 1410 .
11 If you need more information , please do not hesitate to enquire further , either from individual academic departments or from the list of offices and other services listed at the end of this Prospectus .
12 Qualified insolvency practitioners are those who hold licences from the various authorised professional bodies ( such as those governing chartered accountants and certified accountants , The Law Society or the Insolvency Practitioners Association ) or from the Department of Trade .
13 We need some money we can be sure of , some money we do not have to ask for either from men or from the Department of Health and Social Security .
14 Historicism presumes that a concept of history can be borrowed for Marxism from Hegel or from the practice of empiricist historians without difficulty and without asking how such a concept is specific to Marxism : for Althusser the crucial question is to ask ‘ what must be the content of the concept of history imposed by Marx 's theoretical problematic ? ’
15 The development of the fire upwards should be stopped in not more than 3 minutes from ignition ( or from the appearance of flames ) .
16 The specific point that Nagel is making is that there is no way of justifying the conditions of choice in the original position except from the point of view of a certain conception of the good .
17 Nor from the point of view of the speaker , is there any hard and fast boundary between these and a non-restrictive adjective used in order to make explicit some property , when it is suspected that the hearer is unaware that it is implied by the use of the noun , as with poisonous in : ( 10 ) she threw Maisie 's lunch-box out of the window because it had a poisonous red-back spider in it Note that ( 10 ) further exemplifies the fact that whether an adjective is taken as restrictive or not depends on the rest of the entity-identifying phrase rather than just on the head noun .
18 They have come to their agreement , they have done their job well , and they have produced and excellent education system and the blip which he is talking about is one which is forced on us at the present time by a Conservative Government , who has decided that there is going to be no further expansion in the school service which we 're providing , and indeed is imposing upon us cuts which are going to mean that we reduce those services , and to argue that from a point of view that it 's a considered piece of policy from a Government which if I has introduced , if I may say , Poll Tax , an economy which is a disaster area , exports in nothing happening there , inflation
19 The amount left in the client account in respect of the bill of costs after seven days should only be , therefore , unpaid professional disbursements that from the date of receipt earn deposit interest subject to the de minimis rules .
20 Section 13(3) provides that from the date of incorporation , stated in the certificate , the subscribers to the memorandum become a body corporate with the name contained in the memorandum .
21 Leave to appeal must be obtained from the Commissioner or , failing that from the Court of Appeal : Social Security Act 1980 , s.14 .
22 He knows that the Messiah is uniquely endued with the Spirit , and he stresses that from the outset of Jesus ' life this was the case
23 He found that from the intersection of Fleming 's Cross-cut with the vein , the level had been taken S.E. along it for 40 fathoms , at the forehead of which was a cross-course which cut off the lode .
24 Macaulay found The Prelude ‘ to the last degree Jacobinical , indeed Socialist ’ : the linking of words that look far back into the past and equally far forward into the future shows that from the point of view of the Whig benches at any rate , Wordsworth 's politics were lamentably consistent .
25 It could be said that from the point of view of social research , the world only exists as data and data can exist only through the interpretations placed on materials gathered from the world .
26 And I 'm certainly prepared to admit that from the point of view of erm evolution , I too am er little more than a biodegradable package er for my genes , because , after all , if natural selection really were about fitness and perfecting the organisms , in terms of making the organism more perfect , more fit , more survivable , why do n't we live forever , or , or almost forever ?
27 there is no doubt that from the perspective of incumbents in positions of command or maintenance in structure , communitas — even when it becomes normative — represents a real danger , and indeed for all those , including even political leaders who spend much of their lives in structural role playing , it represents a temptation .
28 We would suggest that from the perspective of people with learning difficulties , a working alliance with professionals should seem :
29 Firstly , areas of functional competence are usually derived from the practical concerns of care givers rather than from the viewpoint of elders .
30 Amendments made : No. 62 , in page , 47 line , 43 , at end insert — ( ) The terms and conditions on which the Secretary of State may make any grants under this paragraph may include in particular conditions — ( a ) enabling him to require the repayment , in whole or in part , of sums paid by him if any other condition subject to which the sums were paid is not complied with ; and ( b ) requiring the payment of interest in respect of any period during which a sum due to him in accordance with any other condition remains unpaid , but shall not relate to the application by the college council to which the grant is made of any sums derived otherwise than from the Secretary of State . ' .
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