Example sentences of "[conj] had no [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 She dressed quickly in a slim cream silk dress that had no ornament at all , relying for its impact on the way it followed the curves of her body , gently touching and emphasising full breasts , narrow waist and the flare of her hips .
2 But the look on Vanessa Delaney 's face as she watched her son edge his way through the tables was tinged with something that had no place in such a mundane event .
3 Before her mother 's house she had gone through a winter in a squat that had no heating at all .
4 Most readers probably take it as explained by Tolkien 's preceding remark , ‘ To their man-children [ hobbits ] usually gave names that had no meaning at all in their daily language …
5 We were born , and had no choice in that matter ; but we were burdens , expensive , never grateful enough .
6 The Great Casterton villa excavation produced a good example ( Corder 1951 , 24 — 40 ) , but it was carefully noted at the time that this destruction by fire involved only one building and was , therefore , an accident and had no relevance to any historical event .
7 The concept of narcissism had been developed , in part , through work with patients who seemed to withdraw all their libido into themselves , and had no interest in any things or people in the external world .
8 Feeling deliciously convalescent , I pottered about in pyjamas , weak yet fortified by the knowledge that I was in a sympathetic house where I could be waited on , and had no appointments of any kind .
9 ‘ I was letting Woosie down badly and had no feeling at all , ’ said Mouland , who came into the tournament after finishing only 84th in this season 's European money list .
10 The Earl married twice , and had no children by either marriage .
11 He felt sick with lust and grief , and had no tongue for any of it .
12 Firms paid rates but had no vote at all in local elections .
13 ‘ Thanks , ’ she muttered , but had no time at all in which to decide if she should nip to the cloakroom and get to work with her comb , for Jimmy 's next remarks were to have her reeling — and furious .
14 I told him that I had the one that was n't — but had no symptoms at all and even felt ‘ high ’ .
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