Example sentences of "[conj] had [been] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was concerned with the story that Archimedes had found a way of discovering if a crown made for King Hiero of Syracuse was in fact of pure gold , as it was supposed to be , or had been adulterated with a cheaper metal .
2 He admitted that some people in Hong Kong had been alarmed by reports of carnage in Peking but said this was only because they ‘ misunderstood ’ or had been misled by the ‘ false reporting and even rumour of some news media ’ .
3 There was no sound of a human voice enquiring for his safety ; he shouted that he was safe , but gave up when he got no re-assuring reply ; he wondered if his friends had reached safety or had been caught under the falling rock .
4 In the first model of the mind , remember we said that the unconscious was everything that was either primarily unconscious , could never become conscious , or had been forced into the unconscious by th by means of repression .
5 Legislation had been tried before , from the late fourteenth century onwards , but more effort was made to enforce the 1651 Act than had been done in the past .
6 The Edinburgh Evening News picked up the point during the dispute and commented that " the old story of the men 's dislike to machinery appears in this dispute just as it was with the engineers " , 25 Whatever the reason or reasons , the men 's unwillingness to handle the machines led directly to the situation of the late 1900s in which Edinburgh master printers were trying to counter the threat of London and southern firms by combining both the employment of women and the use of machines , thus posing a double threat of a new kind to the male compositor , and inspiring a more determined resistance from the latter than had been seen during the previous thirty-odd years .
7 By this point the wealth of the local clothiers had in fact been reduced by more than half , though taxation , while extracting huge sums from the community at large , had taken little more than £1,100 , far less than had been withdrawn from the industry by the Springs .
8 Congress approved on Oct. 26 a defence budget for fiscal year 1991 of $288,300 million , $16,700 million less than had been authorized for the previous year [ see p. 37409 ] .
9 Nevertheless , he realised that for political reasons it would be very difficult to do less than had been proposed in the Bill introduced in 1938 .
10 By providing money for so-called buy-back operations , in which countries either bought their own commercial debts back from the banks at deeply discounted levels or , alternatively , simply used the money as collateral when negotiating low-interest bond deals , a number of countries had been able to reschedule their own external obligations on easier repayment terms than had been agreed at the time when they were made .
11 Characteristically , he charged considerably more than had been agreed for the work ; the ewer and basin weighed 570 ounces , substantially more than the requested maximum .
12 Bosnian Muslims said they wanted more territory than had been offered under a proposed peace plan .
13 Apart from general recessionary influences , Ovum cites a slower take up of the technology than had been predicted as a reason .
14 America 's faltering recovery continued with a 6.7% rise in housing starts in April over the previous month , lower than had been expected after a first quarter in which housing starts had been curbed by bad weather .
15 Both the rump of the Takeshita faction , led by Obuchi , and the new Hata-Ozawa faction , consisting of around 44 of the Takeshita faction 's 109 Diet members , were represented within the new Miyazawa administration , but together they controlled fewer and less important portfolios than had been held by the Takeshita faction prior to the reshuffle .
16 In sharp contrast , the returns for 1992 showed an excess of 42 per cent of companies were spending more rather than less on R&D — 9 per cent higher than had been anticipated on the basis of previous declaration by companies for their planned expenditure for the year .
17 However , the Committee did emphasize the need for a much wider range of accommodation than had been provided before the war , and so they were drawn into the sharp debate about densities and preferences as between flats and houses — and this is where the link with the Ministry of Town and Country Planning proved so important .
18 At Brêtigny , on 8 May 1360 , a treaty was concluded under which Edward was to receive much less than had been envisaged in the Treaty of London .
19 ‘ These new results are much more extreme than had been suggested by the 20-year follow-up , where premature death was only twice as common in smokers as in non-smokers .
20 He found six different amphibians — more than had been found in the whole of Europe in rocks of 330 million years old .
21 There was also concern about the environmental damage that had been suffered as a result of decisions about economic development taken in Moscow rather than in the republics themselves .
22 So these things came to an end , I recall that on one occasion I was offered the eye of a sheep that had been cooked on a vast platter .
23 But more often the allocation of billets reflected social relations and deferential attitudes in rural society , as when , according to one MP , at Inverary in Scotland 150 women and children were housed in a cold hall , with bedding of dirty mattresses and sacks of straw ‘ with a broad arrow on them , that had been obtained from the local jail ’ , while near by the Duke of Argyll 's castle was left uninhabited .
24 However , the Regional Development Officer of the housing association insisted on carrying out the same thorough appraisal of its potential that had been applied to the previous buildings .
25 Minton explained that he had recognised him from a self-portrait that had been exhibited at the AIA Gallery in London .
26 Few fights — occasionally , you 'd get a man who 'd been gashed in the face with a bottle , that had been drunk in the bar and you 'd be called in and you 'd take him to hospital .
27 The insignia of royalty that had been assumed by the papacy reflected a monarchical form and structure of government .
28 But this time , the voices were not in the distress of agony that had been heard in the reception area .
29 Amongst other things , we were always finding used syringes that had been lobbed over the wall .
30 Five or six stones had toppled from the pile and were lying half-buried in the snow , and some red and white cloth streamers that had been tied to a branch of the tree fluttered slightly in the breeze , torn and faded from the wind and rain .
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