Example sentences of "[conj] he can [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's proved that he is capable of scoring goals and although he can improve on the defensive side of his game his passing skills are a tremendous asset . ’
2 Apart from some general points , listed here ( as well as scattered elsewhere in the book where especially relevant , such as in Chapter 10 , Starting Your Own Business ) , giving tax planning advice is the job for a specialist ; and moreover one who is fully conversant with your financial affairs , so that he can advise in the light of your own particular circumstances .
3 The loutish Eddie meanwhile fancies his chances with ‘ Frigid ’ Bridgit and makes a bet with his pals that he can score by the end of the evening .
4 But he 's got ta have shoes that cos , that he can wear with the suit and wear to school , cos he needs that school shoes , I saw the shirt and the tie .
5 However , he does not feel that he can tender below the £21,960 cost , because the order would make a loss for the company .
6 Anyone who thinks that he can improve on the commitment and effort of British Coal managers reveals how little he knows about the coal industry and coal mining .
7 The SSC 's director , Roy Schwitters , has decided that he can do without the participation of Samuel Ting , from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , who wanted to develop one of the two huge experiments that will make use of the machine .
8 Nothing that he can do in the way of concentrating on the original sensation and uttering the word ‘ pain ’ will succeed in endowing that word with a meaning .
9 Tranmere striker Tommy Coyne has been sidelined by a flu bug , but Charlton remains optimistic that he can shrug off the effects in time for Wednesday .
10 And when he gets a break from the circuit just before Christmas , he 'll be taking wife Anne and baby George to Florida so that he can train in the sun .
11 A dissatisfied party may want to establish that the reference was made to an expert so that he can then sue the individual , or that the reference was made to an arbitrator so that he can appeal against the award : or again there may be differences in rights of enforcement prompting the claim that an arbitration was a reference to an expert , or vice versa .
12 The rest of this chapter is concerned with Rolle 's ability to find literary means of engaging in various ways with the Passion story so that he can point to the transforming experience of truth , " kynde knowynge " , which is the aim of the meditative exercise .
13 It 's as if he has been drawn outside himself by indignation ; transcended himself ; literally risen into the air above his own head , so that he can see beyond the confines of his own life .
14 Iain feels the effects of the alcohol drunk with the meal but it has made him feel good , giving him a sense — true or not — that he can cope , that he can deal with the way his own mind and from there be able to deal with other people 's .
15 If he is to persuade his colleagues that he can win for the party , he will need to seize every available chance for exposure over the next two , three , or even four years .
16 We look forward very much to his succession to the Chair , and we wish him very well and I know that he can count on the full support of all the honorary officers , and all of you as members of the Council as he takes on these new responsibilities .
17 It is more appropriate to such a case than is Form N79 but , unlike Form N79 , does not inform the contemnor that he can apply to the court to purge his contempt and ask for release .
18 But as any great manager knows , delegation to those less capable than he can lead to the occasional administrative hiccup .
19 John Reid has splashed out more than £1 million to buy a new home so he can look at the famous sign .
20 If they correspond , then all is well , his concept of the situation is confirmed and he can progress to the next step in the context of his objectives .
21 Many observers believe that by the time he steps down in Brussels , at the end of 1992 , most small Irish farmers will have accepted his pension plan and he can return as the hero of rural Ireland .
22 He will take in the Cookstown 100 , as he has a very strong supporters club there , and the North West 200 , provided he can fit in the following day 's Donington Park meeting .
23 I got ta er cos he can go in the creche look
24 And Cottee testifies to the personal trauma that hangs over Shearer unless he can cope with the strain , media attention and the taunts from the terraces .
25 Abrams ' experience proved that being a solid but unspectacular TV performer is no longer enough in these days where a politician risks instant oblivion unless he can turn in the hustings equivalent of an MTV award winner .
26 In doing this you will probably find that you have become concerned , not simply with the particular task they have to carry out , but with their relations with other officers carrying out other tasks or involved with other aspects of the investigation you are writing about , even down to such matters of internal etiquette as how high does an officer have to rank before he can go into the office of a superior without knocking ?
27 He is required by statute , before he can act in the office of councillor , to make the declaration of acceptance of office .
28 Anfield manager Graeme Souness must obtain Foreign Office clearance before he can draft in the £600,000 Scandinavian international to replace his latest casualty .
29 Nicholson will be glad when he can remove for the last time the putty nose , hairpiece and false front tooth the make-up wizards gave him each day to make him a mirror-image of bully-boy Hoffa .
30 For he can see in the X-ray picture of a chest only the shadows of the heart and ribs , with a few spidery blotches between them .
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