Example sentences of "[conj] he had [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the instant case the IT were entitled to find that it was not reasonably practicable for Mr Sen to have presented his unfair dismissal claim in time , notwithstanding that he had been given erroneous advice about the time limit by a solicitor in circumstances where he had also been wrongly advised as to the time limit by a member of the IT staff .
2 He supposed that he had been rendered unconscious when he had entered his quarters .
3 Prime Minister Guy Razanamasy on July 30 said that he had been made aware of the imminent attempt the day before it took place and that a " foreign power " was responsible .
4 It was believed that Humphrey was a farm worker employed on the Normanby Park estate in the distant Past and that he had been found guilty of stealing from his employers .
5 His success with the coffee machine was acknowledged , grudged but acknowledged , but he had been made aware that there was an argument for calling in the professionals when it came to tampering with the thermostat on the air system .
6 Even though he had accepted general responsibility for his company 's operations , and would probably have agreed to print the books had the decision been referred to him , he could not be convicted unless he had been given specific notice of the offensive material .
7 He had not come back after he had been given general advice , and he had what he describes as an uneasy peace in the relationship with his girlfriend .
8 After he had been held incommunicado for a month his family were allowed to visit him and found him in good health .
9 After he had been found guilty of homosexual offences and sentenced to two years ' imprisonment with hard labour , the press subjected Oscar Wilde to vicious attack .
10 The miners who had escaped , knew immediately that John had been left behind but did not know whether he had been entombed alive or buried under the rock .
11 He had already drafted two acts at the beginning of the previous year , and even before he had been taken ill this autumn he had begun the work of revising them .
12 In 1990 , the European Court held that a 60-year-old man employed by an insurance company had been unlawfully discriminated against because when he had been made redundant his company pension scheme was deferred whereas a female member of the scheme could have drawn her pension immediately .
13 Mr Travers , a plasterer , who had lost his house when he had been made bankrupt , opened the window slowly .
14 Now , in the sudden silence , Tug felt as though he had been stripped naked and pushed out into a football crowd .
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