Example sentences of "[conj] he know that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
2 A knife-point poked into his back every few seconds , so he knew that the mestizo was close behind him .
3 He knew the wording by heart : Attempt to export equipment with intent to evade prohibition then in farce by the Provision of the Export Control and Goods Order and C & E Management Act ( Section 68/2 ) , 1979 … and he knew that the offence carried a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment …
4 Jesus only had to say the word and he knew that the servant would be healed ( Luke 7:7 ) .
5 But when Grainne came to the Castle , he knew himself lost , and he knew that the carapace so diligently acquired over the years was melting .
6 He was sure , too , that she had believed him and he knew that the reason for this was that the story he had concocted was so very unlikely that no liar could possibly have put his faith in it .
7 The hon. Gentleman serves on the Select Committee on Defence , and he knows that a settlement has been made .
8 ( 2 ) If he knew that the writing or printing contained or referred to conditions , he is bound .
9 Section 1(5) prohibits an individual who has contemplated or who is contemplating making a take-over offer for a company in one capacity from dealing in the shares of the offeree in another capacity if he knows that the information relating to the fact that the offer is contemplated or is no longer contemplated is unpublished price sensitive information .
10 As he was held between the conflicting pressures of wind and water , so he was caught between the desire to reach Mariana and offer her comfort and the need to husband his remaining strength — but he knew that the husbanding of his strength was paramount if they were to survive .
11 He did not really understand the conversation , but he knew that the Woman was being attacked .
12 He could not believe what he was hearing , but he knew that the General would not deceive him in these , or any other , circumstances .
13 The Minister of State , Scottish Office , shakes his head , but he knows that the Government conceded this point when they announced that they would allow colleges to anticipate up to 10 per cent .
14 But was he under any duty to do more than he did merely because he knew that the money was intended ultimately to be lent by the father to the son ?
15 One might remark that the working-class child considered it redundant to constantly refer to the presence of a picture since he knew that the researcher was present and could see it for himself .
16 Thus in Hartog v Colin and Shields [ 1939 ] 3 All ER 566 , it was held that the plaintiff could not sue on a contract for the sale of hare skins at so much per pound when he knew that the offeror really meant to sell at that price per piece .
17 As he knows that the Government will get the Bill in any event , nothing stops him doing that .
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