Example sentences of "[conj] he have be [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Was it Dominic 's fault that he had been given the job she wanted so badly ?
2 The fact that he had been given the Elphberg name of Rudolf by a Royalist father was of small importance to him , nor was he at first more than casually intrigued when he woke from a strangely prophetic dream in the forest of Zenda to hear two men discussing the remarkable resemblance between him and the King .
3 Having written a fairly scathing account of this approach in draft , I sent it to John Austin Baker ( as I have also sent my account of their work to Christian feminists whom I discuss in this book for comment ) only to receive a delightful letter from him which rescinded much that he had written , explained that he had been given the title , and essentially agreed with my criticism !
4 The town 's magistrates heard on Tuesday , in Graham 's defence , that he had been supplied the cannabis by his room-mate , who is a juvenile , and had received no personal gain from his part in the theft .
5 He comes back two weeks later saying that he has been given the sack .
6 In essence , B's claim can be characterised as asserting that he has been denied the right to a fair criminal trial .
7 It will be Lt Col Stewart 's first public appearance since it was announced that he has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his courage and leadership during his tour of duty in Bosnia .
8 It will be Lt Col Stewart 's first public appearance since it was announced that he has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his courage and leadership during his tour of duty in Bosnia .
9 Like his brothers Richard agreed to accept rather less than he had been offered the previous autumn : half the revenues of Aquitaine , but this time only two residences , and apparently unfortified ones .
10 Harry 's great merit was that , once he had been given the ball , he was a speedy and direct raider .
11 Any intelligent man , once he has been given the opportunity to voice his feelings , will understand just what he has done and be able to see that it makes no sense at all to build upon an isolated failure when he has a lifetime of ‘ successes ’ about which he could think .
12 He was a Lebanese Muslim and he had been given the gun by the Palestinians who were sitting on the side of the broken street , sipping their own glasses of tea .
13 He 's willing to risk it , and he 's been told the risk . ’
14 The clerk to the council , Mr Harry Whitehouse , received several letters from residents complaining about dogs fouling the green and nearby private gardens and he has been told the dog warden will be sent more regularly .
15 This entitles him to refuse to hand them over until he has been repaid the money repayable to him .
16 At this distance it is impossible to tell if Gert could have made more of his early life if he had been given the chance to make use of the ‘ creative ability ’ spotted early on by one of his helpers .
17 A former member of his Household , reviewing the collapse of the Wales 's marriage , sincerely believes that he would have remained single if he had been given the choice .
18 Mackie denied he had been told that and said that if he had been told the meeting was confidential from the start there would have been little point in him , as an analyst , being there .
19 He felt drained , as if he 'd been drunk the night before .
20 But he has been given the all-clear after an operation last week to remove a second disc from his neck .
21 Not that it had done Oliver Rattrie any good , since he 'd been caught the day after by those same Chartist women who had marched into Halifax singing the One Hundredth Psalm ; sheep no longer but howling Furies who had seized him , puny little thing that he was , and thrown him in the canal where , in his struggle to keep himself from drowning , he had lost every last shilling of the blood-money in his pockets .
22 Aubrey 's arrival had augmented the difficulty since he had been given the guest room adjoining Harry 's .
23 His son , Li Yuan , had seen it all five years before , in those first few days after he had been told the secret of their world — the Great Lie upon which everything was built .
24 ‘ Lance-Corporal Trumper , ’ said Tommy in disbelief after he had been told the news .
25 After he 'd been offered the job Archie had been taken over the new building to see the general layout .
26 It was , however , reported by his personal staff that he did manage a smirk when he had been told the story of how his arch rival and competitor had been conned by his countrymen on a flag-flying visit to the auld counthrie .
27 When he had been shown the study he drew in Sergeant Fenniway , pointedly shut the door , and said again ‘ By gum ! ’
28 He already had an interest there , as he had been granted the town of Lalinde by Edward in 1267 .
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