Example sentences of "[conj] he have [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 You 'd travel down to the game on a Saturday , and if you met a Leeds fan at the train station , you could be sure that they were the best mate he 'd ever had , and they 'd tell you all the latest gossip that he 'd told them the last time they were out for a few pints .
2 Regretfully , the young gentleman told him that he had quoted me the price to the trade , and for a retail sale it would be slightly more expensive , i.e. £36 plus VAT .
3 It was obvious that he had forgotten who the man was .
4 ( So the crew would protest ) ‘ that he 's bought us the best —
5 I am sure that he has recorded what the hon. Gentleman said .
6 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
7 Mr Heseltine can reasonably say that he has done what the political reality required of him .
8 Not a medium so he 's given him the small so he 's thinking if if it does n't fit he 's still made the sale .
9 Looking at her across the table , it was hard to imagine that once he had thought her the most exotic extraordinary thing in the entire world .
10 The owner before Uncle Titch had been a retired seaman and he 'd renamed it the Turk 's Head , not after an Ottoman warrior , as most people thought , but after a special type of nautical knot that looked like a turban .
11 Perhaps he thought that , and he 'd given me the slip .
12 They says , right , he says , I 've got a I 've got a problem with alcohol and he 's given us the valium to get us off the alcohol .
13 Please for god 's sake stop playing Fairclough at the back — the defence is a shambles when he 's there — quite honestly I 'm getting pretty pissed off with Wilko — i know we 've had a long unbeaten run and we 're still second and he 's won us the championship etc etc and this is defenitely over reaction to last night but get rid of the fucking bastard and find us someone who 'll pick teams that can beat the Norwich 's and Man Utd7s of the league or we 'll be perenial mid table finishers .
14 And he 's told her the whole story so Noel 's gone home and his mum 's gone , what 's that on your neck ?
15 God placed the enforcing of Satan 's defeat in the hands of His servants and He has given them the authority .
16 ‘ As far as Frank is concerned , he is entirely satisfied with what I am doing and he has given me the space to get on with it .
17 Well , these days I can reach the highest shelves of the house library , and walk into Porteneil to visit the one there , so I can check up on anything my father says , and he has to tell me the truth .
18 Jim and Louise , however , had been forced to remain with their captor alongside the open trapdoor , until he had satisfied himself the coast was completely clear .
19 At last he saw that , if he was ever to eliminate his old habits , then he must refuse to do anything at all until he had given himself the directions .
20 Eliot told me that if he misses his tea he is no good for anything until he has had it the following day . ’
21 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
22 If he had told her the truth , she would not have believed him .
23 It would have been far better if he 'd done it the other way around — the rest of the set acoustic and then brought them on to play .
24 Well if he 's snapped it the aerial
25 But he had left them the inestimable advantage of the eighty Normans on their strong horses .
26 But he had shown her the way out of her panic and con fusion : taken her into his world where things were bright , ordered , clear-cut , and easy to control .
27 But he 's told me the main months .
28 The parties have to accept the expert 's decision , unless he has asked himself the wrong question of law : Nikko Hotels ( UK ) Ltd v MEPC plc [ 1991 ] 28 EG 86 .
29 It had belonged to a man called Flowers , and they had gone to Manchester just because he had offered them the flat .
30 Because he 's given me the greatest gift of friendship .
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