Example sentences of "[conj] he turn [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 Beckmann was a latecomer to modernism ; it was not until after the First World War that he turned noticeably to the sharply outlined Expressionism that came to typify his work .
2 You , my poor dear lady , ’ and he turned here to the other great detective , ‘ have as one says ‘ raided the vegetable garden ’ .
3 He built and owned ships to handle his business and made a quay at Fowey , but the port remained inadequate , and he turned instead to the creation of an entirely new port at Par , opened in 1833 , the most spacious port between Plymouth and Falmouth .
4 We will have words for you in a minute , ’ and he turned round to the crowd .
5 And he turned again to the view .
6 And he turned back to the Toyota , reaching in to the rear seat and coming out with the blasting plunger .
7 But his mouth suddenly tightened and he turned back to the sterilizer in dignified silence .
8 Transfixed by the sudden intensity of his gaze before he turned back to the Empress , she was totally unprepared for what happened next .
9 Paddy , on the other hand was now quite composed and when he turned again to the congregation , his voice was calm although his face was deathly pale .
10 He realized his mistake too late and when he turned back to the entrance Sabrina was already there , blocking his escape .
11 ] Buen viaje ! ’ he added , not bothering now to hid his malice as he turned quickly to the door and made his escape .
12 Lord John sighed inwardly as he turned back to the window .
13 As he turned back to the eerie blue-blackness of the strip lights in the corridor , Cardiff heard a thick grunt and the slap of someone falling heavily to the tiled floor .
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