Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb mod] get a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As his series of meetings progressed , some at Chartwell , some in London , there was even fear on the part of Jones and Davidson that he might get a settlement in the absence of the Prime Minister and thus damage Baldwin 's position .
2 In her opinion , it was unlikely that he would get a place at Cedars at such a late stage in the year .
3 His mother came , but she did not take him away , and his Uncle Charlie told him that if he wrote another letter like that he would get a thrashing , so he stayed and coped .
4 He was an attorney at law who , when he first began his practice , bragged , according to Gilbert 's Parochial History of Cornwall , ‘ that he would get an estate by the law one way or the other .
5 You should then practise with the bowman so that he can get a feel for distance .
6 What makes Ross Perot think that he can get a handle on the US budget deficit that has defeated the last two administrations ?
7 But if , if I stay here it means that we 've , we 've a , a ho a home in the , the base , and he 'll get a transfer back guaranteed transfer back within two or three years , so it means just travelling for for erm you know , that length of time .
8 What you want to do is ring up the Sunday Times and get a reporter round and he 'll get a scandal story and they 'll do something
9 He said they must meet later , she must come and eat with him in his room and he would get a bottle of wine .
10 And he would get a message from er Street Station from the station inspector .
11 That was the boy 's job , not a very pleasant one too because he had to — one of the hardest jobs I reckon , and the least paid — he had to cook the food and coil the big rope which was a nasty job , especially in the summer when the jelly-fish were about ; they used to sting the hands and he 'd get a rash between his fingers . ’
12 In later years , I 'd take him to the station and he 'd get a train home . ’
13 He 's very good and he 'll probably do it for nothing if he can get a couple of hours off . ’
14 Well yeah , if he can get a job that is !
15 Philip jumped up to see if he could get a look in through the window .
16 If he could get a job , it might be easier to initiate some change .
17 on top of him cos he 'll get a shock .
18 Unless he can get a work permit
19 When he reaches back into his jacket pocket for that inevitable pack of cheap cigars I 'm watching him as carefully as a dog with a drunken master , unsure whether he 'll get a kick or a bowl of food .
20 whether he will be invited to lunch , and if not , whether he should get a sandwich in a pub instead , and if so , whether he would prefer egg and tomato , or cheese and chutney ;
21 Stephen opened his mouth to express his thanks but before he could get a word out , Jonadab spoke again .
22 She broke away before he could get a stranglehold and made her way to the podium , hitching up her dress and putting on her very best smile for the tridvid sages .
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