Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb mod] [verb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to go somewhere where he could be alone — where he could get some peace .
2 But in the meantime , you can let Jones know that he 'll have some waiting of his own to do .
3 All along Zen had been haunted by the idea that he might make some blunder which would hang over him for the rest of his life , yet here he was behaving like a dope addict .
4 Cook , Cook , Cook ! we croaked in deprecatory tones as one by one we crept past him cowed and cold , fearing that he might invent some pretext to detain us … we hurried to bring to his notice the only name which seems to have power in Syria , that famous name of the hydra-headed , the indispensable , the world-wide Cook .
5 Only the knowledge that he might provide some clue in the mystery of Suzie 's whereabouts held her prisoner .
6 Althusser does not attempt such an argument but his sole example — a glancing reference to Foucault 's studies of asylums and clinics — suggests that he might have some sympathy with it .
7 I ventured on one or two occasions to suggest that he might find some way of dispensing with her services .
8 That he would make some attempt to coax her ?
9 His uncle had mentioned every Anglo-Irish family in the district , hoping , he suspected , that he would meet some girl and take a fancy to her .
10 Scarcely pausing for breath , Mr Gow declared that he would quote some Mill back at Mr Dalyell .
11 If he discovered a new rule he would immediately seek a way of breaking it , and I had assumed that he would have some sympathy with those who flouted the laws against drugs , yet there was no denying the genuine anger in his voice when he talked of cocaine .
12 In that instance you could issue a B one so that he would have some money coming in .
13 He murmured that he would have some whisky instead .
14 Stradlin sings like a proper rock singer ; gravelly and unshaven and with just the tiniest hint that he would like some sex fairly soon .
15 We 'd just settled him along the back seat when I realised that he would need some money .
16 May I suggest that he apologises in a broadcast from No. 10 Downing street , which I understand he occupies temporarily , and that he should give some thought
17 I thought for a moment and came up with a suggestion that he should give some sort of honour , an OBE or the like , to the cricketer Basil D'Oliveira , who had been shabbily treated by the South African government .
18 He feels , in the light of the subject matter and the seriousness of their conversations , that he should exhibit some seriousness of purpose , although he solicits their opinions about restaurants to show that he is not all big issues .
19 She was insistent in case there should be a separation that he should make some form of , of proper financial arrangement for them , a legally binding agreement .
20 Mr Christie , a Bairns supporter , who lives in Falkirk , was approached in the hope that he could bring some stability to the Premier Division side 's warring board .
21 When he found that he could demonstrate some discharge in the early mornings e was convinced that his infection had returned , not realizing that the majority of males can produce a certain amount of mucus at the urethral meatus in the morning if they try .
22 Well I think we 'll have to re-look at the whole question of village envelopes in certain cases , where it is decided that low cost housing is desirable , and see if in some way , they can encourage the farmer to make land available so that he can make some money which he badly needs at the moment , as agriculture 's going through one of the biggest depressions it 's been through for years .
23 The chances of playing for England are remote … yet for Eire in goal is good , so he 'll get some international/world experience ( maybe in the World Cup … give us another reason to cheer on you Irish ; - )
24 Hold on , I 'll give her so he can have some change .
25 And that 's why he says to sleep and then if she could n't get to sleep she could like sit up tonight so he could get some sleep instead .
26 Well , the night after Sandy won his Open he was in the marquee , which was holding his celebration dinner , with his apron on , cleaning up and wishing everybody would go so he could get some peace and quiet .
27 The night after Sandy won he was in the marquee that was holding his celebration dinner , with his apron on cleaning up and wishing everybody would go so he could get some peace and quiet .
28 If she did n't know better she 'd have said he 'd sabotaged her jeep and made it rain this way , just so he could enjoy some amusement at her expense !
29 Please note that the official bird recorder for Gladhouse , , regularly walks round the reservoir , usually a Thursday and/or Sunday and he may cause some disturbance on those days .
30 And he could collect some money for the
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