Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb past] of [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mackay did not return to Scotland after 1885 and there is little evidence that he thought of himself as a Scot , except in a very conventional , stereotypical way .
2 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
3 Miss Groundwater — he found that he thought of her in this way again , as a fillip to rage — was seated at her mirror , already in her nightgown , brushing out her hair .
4 Life dithered on nervously , and he approved of nothing in it .
5 What he thought of Canon Wheeler , if he thought of him at all , he had never , in his gentlemanly fashion , revealed to anyone .
6 And he accepted these conditions believing , no doubt ( if he thought of it at all ) , that I fulfilled myself by providing the conditions he as an artist needed .
7 His memories of Sarah were as strong as ever , but he thought of her with mixed emotions .
8 In the past , he had only ever spoken well of his mother , when he spoke of her at all .
9 When he spoke of himself with evident authority as ‘ the senior Vietnam veteran on active duty ’ you could read the subtext as if it was in neon : if I am prepared to give my commander-in-chief unquestioned respect , so should you .
10 His recent history — which sounded as remote when he spoke of it as a previous incarnation — had enacted a traditional surfing scenario he was n't particularly proud of .
11 He was wearing his captain 's uniform with meticulous correctness but with a consciously satirical air , ‘ as though he thought of it as fancy dress . ’
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