Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb past] at [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She spoke with such soft intensity that he stared at her for a long , thoughtful moment .
2 His face was covered in dirt and he grinned at us in a rather frightened way .
3 The door was slammed wide , and he came at her with the speed of the vehicle that should have killed him two nights before .
4 And he looked at me with full concentration .
5 ‘ We talked about it , ’ said Jenny , ‘ because I told him frankly that I was in love with Jamie , and he looked at me as if I needed my head examined ! ’
6 I said that to him and he looked at me over the top of his glasses like that , cos he , in his office , he sits here , the door 's there , he sits here and I , I , everybody else has had the door open , I went in and shut the door and I stood behind him , I did n't stand in front of him , stood behind him so , keep
7 He nodded and he looked at me for the first time .
8 I watched his face as he blinked rapidly and he looked at me in disgust , or was it disbelief ?
9 I asked him after a lecture he gave in Cambridge , and he looked at me in a vague way and said yes , he would .
10 The man at her side wore sea boots and a thick white sweater , and he looked at her with one eyebrow raised , a small , teasing smile lifting the corners of his mouth .
11 Carrie said , thinking of the things Hepzibah had told her , how he 'd worked all his life and had no help from anyone , and he looked at her with surprise .
12 By now her cheeks were flaming and he looked at her with an almost analytical expression on his face .
13 The boy amid the ruins could have been no more than 12 years old and he looked at us with genuine disinterest , sitting on a broken office swivel chair in the middle of rue Trablos , scruffy brown hair on top of a tired , old face .
14 A computer crystal had appeared in his hand , and he looked at it in mild bemusement , as if it were a fish , or a coloured party hat .
15 And he laughed at her like a boy .
16 A figure popped out of a doorway to Alexei 's left , and he cut at it with his sword and ran on .
17 He could hardly stand still for the two minutes it took to slip them over his blouse and he shouted at her to be quick , that Ferdinando was waiting to take him rabbit-shooting .
18 His collarbone ached , and he dug at it with his good arm , massaging the stiffness with his fingers .
19 I can not be sure that he noticed all that , but he stared at it for a long time , getting down on his hands .
20 I tried to drive on , but he came at me with some story of having run out of petrol .
21 ‘ I did n't mean we should get to know each other — ’ She broke off , not sure what she did mean when he looked at her in such open invitation .
22 And when he looked at her in mystification , as well he might , she realised , she went on , ‘ I 'd no idea until this morning that the same Naylor who came for you yesterday morning is my new boss ! ’
23 Then he brought his blazing eyes unhurriedly to her face and for a long moment she found herself wishing time would stand still ; when he looked at her like that … she swallowed , felt her pulse beating wildly ; his eyes were devouring hers .
24 There were days when you just could n't talk to him , when he stared at you as if what you said made no sense , and then gave you answers you could n't understand .
25 The women were starting to wail , when he hissed at them to be quiet .
26 He laughed and kissed her again , and she could sense the relief in his words and in his eyes , as he looked at her with tenderness .
27 You know — ’ He pulled in his chin as he looked at her before continuing , ‘ It 's odd , but none of the other girls I 've brought to the house over the years have seemed to arouse your animosity .
28 I 'm meant to be fighting the Germans , not going to a wedding , he said out loud , as he looked at himself in the cracked mirror above the washbasin .
29 She drew a breath as he gazed at it for an instant , watching its slow movements , the gentle opening of its tiny mouth as if expressing surprise .
30 His forehead was ripped dark in the starlight but his cheekbones still gleamed ( an image superimposed : the sunset slanting over him as he grinned at her in the freighter ) the way she remembered .
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