Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb past] it [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 He built his dragons a garden , the most beautiful garden in the world , and although he surrounded it with an iron wall which he believed they would not cross , he made the wall beautiful for them , lavish with filigree work and sweet with hanging plants .
2 We shall return to the second part of the old horseman 's description : here it is necessary to emphasize that he used it in an exceptional way .
3 Each night she retired to bed a few minutes earlier , and he saw it as an excuse to avoid the means of starting another pregnancy , though she was in the best of health .
4 After this but before the rogue was traced , the rogue took the car along to a market in Warren Street ( where dealers commonly sold cars ) and he sold it to an innocent purchaser .
5 The blow to English arms was bitter , and he felt it as an insult to his own person .
6 By 1737 he had begun to acquire over 200 acres of what was regarded as desolate heath-land sloping down to the River Mole near Cobham in Surrey , and he turned it into an ornamental park , Painshill Park .
7 But he acquired it as an onlooker .
8 In Sybil he had rejoined his past but he transplanted it to an artistic suburb of London which had been the haunt of legendary highwaymen , was now the roost of exiles and writers and only fifteen minutes from the West End theatre .
9 You do n't know whether he did it from an entrepreneur 's point of view , or from er
10 He thought it gave him a rakish daring look , especially when he wore it at an angle with his loud checked jacket and green tie .
11 Kahn reckoned that a plan either to make them sell their shares or to force a swap of the shares for shares in a newly-formed corporation called Velcro Reorganisation NV was ‘ in effect Hobson 's choice , ’ as he put it in an affidavit filed with a New York Federal district court .
12 However , he devalued the ability to reason about intentions as he regarded it as an immature form of causal reasoning .
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