Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb past] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She belongs , surely , where he had seen her a thousand times as he came out of Happy Homes , just above the end pinnacle of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel .
2 Although he had made it a condition of his NBC appearance that his whereabouts not be disclosed , Neal Miller called next day to say that he had taken over as his handler and to reprimand him for doing the broadcast without permission .
3 The trophy became known as the Gordon Bennett Cup , although he preferred to call it the Coupe Internationale .
4 It was at this point that he began to realize what a very bizarre and difficult case he had fallen into .
5 Dad and I went in and Mr Vulcan explained that he wished to give me the harmonium and that there was a clean bed upstairs if we wanted it .
6 She did not care that he 'd called her a whore .
7 You 'd travel down to the game on a Saturday , and if you met a Leeds fan at the train station , you could be sure that they were the best mate he 'd ever had , and they 'd tell you all the latest gossip that he 'd told them the last time they were out for a few pints .
8 After his death she therefore claimed that he had made her a donatio mortis causa of the house by this constructive delivery of the title deeds .
9 ‘ What I was going to tell you is that he had written her a part in one of his plays .
10 But he was so scared of them getting his own father that he had given them no names at all , not even his own .
11 He had realised as soon as he had employed Michael that he had found himself a kindred spirit .
12 Regretfully , the young gentleman told him that he had quoted me the price to the trade , and for a retail sale it would be slightly more expensive , i.e. £36 plus VAT .
13 It is evident that the deputy head soon realised that he had set himself an enormous task , despite the fact that he decided to focus on the work of three ‘ target ’ pupils .
14 He went to look for it , remembering that he had used it a couple of times since October , trying to take the plugs out of the estate car .
15 It was obvious that he had forgotten who the man was .
16 She could see by his self-satisfied expression that he intended to make himself a fixture , and somehow , despite her friendship with Elaine , the thought of having to work closely with James on a day-to-day basis made Christina 's flesh crawl .
17 The talks were going very well and Smith said that he wanted to give us a holiday and take us to Victoria Falls in his plane .
18 He obviously had thought out everything in advance , because he led her quite briskly to a deserted passage , under the rather trite pretence that he wanted to show her a certain painting .
19 Indenbaum knew how badly Modigliani needed money so he tried to offer him a sum within his means for the beautiful oil , but Modigliani was offended and obliged Indenbaum to accept the portrait as a present .
20 Looking at her across the table , it was hard to imagine that once he had thought her the most exotic extraordinary thing in the entire world .
21 When he opened it moths flew out and he had to give it a good clean to get rid of the cobwebs and years of dust that had settled inside .
22 I had been devoted to him , and he to me , and he had brought me a happiness I thought never to find again , But , I argued , he had been granted nearly forty more years of life , and had our son as memorial .
23 The owner before Uncle Titch had been a retired seaman and he 'd renamed it the Turk 's Head , not after an Ottoman warrior , as most people thought , but after a special type of nautical knot that looked like a turban .
24 Perhaps he thought that , and he 'd given me the slip .
25 ‘ Anyhow , Grandfather had been down to John Adrich 's at the bottom of the hill and he 'd bought himself a grin'stone for sharpening tools .
26 and he said get me a padded shirt , he said , Joycie 's getting me one he said and I want two .
27 He only mentioned his wife to tell me he 'd just bought her something new to wear and he tried to give me the impression his brother-in-law was something of a poor fish because he could n't make ends meet . ’
28 Wycliffe wanted her to talk , not merely to answer questions , and he tried to give her a new lead .
29 He thought I might know something and he wanted to do me a good turn . ’
30 Jim and Louise , however , had been forced to remain with their captor alongside the open trapdoor , until he had satisfied himself the coast was completely clear .
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