Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been so lovely , and her shoulder still burned where he 'd put a hand on it after the game .
2 His mother had been silent when she first saw it , and his father had been angry at the lack of enthusiasm and had arranged to take Stuart fishing for a day to a small loch where he could borrow a boat .
3 Since Balbinder clearly made more progress in a small group where he could have a lot of attention , and where all worked at the same pace , this could be an answer .
4 Dr Ottokar Proctor , head of the presidential think-tank , and widely believed to be the architect of the Big Bonus , was unavailable for comment , although he is scheduled to make an appearance at a film festival in Tampa , Florida , where he will give a lecture on the Sisyphean influence of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner on contemporary American culture .
5 The doctor may refer the patient to a dietician for a specific regime , or he may prescribe a laxative to ease the congestion .
6 This will necessitate a visit to the local newsagent for the papers and you will have to ask your new next door neighbour if she or he can give a note to the milkman for you or contact the local dairy yourself .
7 MAY RIDE : Gorfang Rotgut may ride a war boar ( +8 points ) , or a monster ( see separate Monster List ) , or he can ride a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section .
8 To begin a case the petitioner needed to go to the curia to get a mandate to judges at home or he could send a proctor .
9 Similarly , the defendant could render the case ineffective by giving or arranging for skilful testimony in his defence , or he could file a counter-case which , if successful , would result in the punishment of the original complainant .
10 However , although he might look a bit lost , he makes good in Year 2 .
11 Although he might have a woman as a friend , he could not lust , he could not desire or covet any woman , whether she be free or not .
12 He ( ) had contacted them , but had been refused information although he could hire a video .
13 And finally , brethren , let us ask the Almighty to look down upon us and our endeavours with His special favour , beseeching Him that He may send a blessing upon our daily tasks , and that in His infinite wisdom He may smite our enemies , and destroy those who would destroy us .
14 Anyway , I 'm only being friendly with Dr Rafaelo so that he 'll arrange a meeting for me with the handsome Miguelito .
15 Aggers ' biggest worry was that he might make a fool of himself bowling at Gooch after being out of the game for two years .
16 Jackie goes upstairs to phone her husband at work , so that he might make a trip to the shops before visiting hour .
17 Kurchatov visited Harwell and suggested that he might give a lecture on Soviet work into thermonuclear reactions in gas discharges .
18 MOREOVER , individual examples of bias , such as the one I detected when Paddy Ashdown was allowed to get away with the ridiculous notion that he might do a deal with John Major just as easily as with Neil Kinnock , need to be balanced against the election coverage as a whole .
19 President Gorbachev 's special envoy Yevgeny Primakov visited Iraq twice in October , but suggestions that he might elicit a change in the Iraqi stance proved unfounded .
20 He is a natural actor and I thought that he might have a part in the play .
21 Macaulay was attributing rather too much blame to Frederick II of Prussia when he wrote ‘ in order that he might rob a neighbour whom he had promised to defend , black men fought on the coast of Coromandel , and red men scalped each other by the Great Lakes of North America . ’
22 As his series of meetings progressed , some at Chartwell , some in London , there was even fear on the part of Jones and Davidson that he might get a settlement in the absence of the Prime Minister and thus damage Baldwin 's position .
23 Emerging in his mind was the thought that he might become a writer .
24 He finds his run unenjoyable and frustrating , not to mention worrying because of the increasing risk that he might receive a knee injury , or worse .
25 It was possible for a person to be given a legacy on the understanding that he would manumit a slave .
26 I suppose he had forgotten that when Bill Jordan , president of the engineering workers ' union , asked him during the 1987 election campaign to announce then that he would hold a referendum on unilateralism after the election , he declined and replied that people would come round to it once they understood .
27 Lightheartedly , the Earl agreed and said that he would hold a Tournament .
28 Arran announced that he would prefer a Bill of this nature to be introduced in the Commons , but that he would keep his Bill going in the Lords until an MP could be found to sponsor an equivalent measure in the other House .
29 NEW YORK ( Reuter ) — El Salvador 's President , Alfredo Cristiani , announced in a speech to the UN that he would make a proposal for a ceasefire in his country 's 10-year-old civil war at a meeting with FMLN rebels in two weeks ' time .
30 Gentle replied that he would make a Gauguin so fine the artist himself would have wept to see it .
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