Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The person who acts like a chicken or conducts an orchestra for the stage hypnotist may be play acting , or he may genuinely feel that it is the hypnotist , not himself , who is taking responsibility for his actions .
2 To pick once again examples relevant to awareness , philosophers have often argued on the assumption that since an observer can not be mistaken about what he sees or hears ( although he may mistakenly suppose that he has seen or heard it ) , or a thinker about what he knows , there must be infallible operations by which to arrive at this certainty .
3 If there is to be detailed discussion of constitutional change , does he accept that the politicians who represent constituencies in England and Scotland and Wales will need to be consulted , and that he may well find that opinions have shifted substantially since the House last discussed the issue ?
4 I am certain that he would also feel that the only fit subject on which to correspond within the columns of a newspaper would be the unseasonal sighting of a cuckoo .
5 His sword was extended in two-handed guard and suddenly Rostov knew that he would never admit that he had been beaten .
6 No , what she found so overwhelmingly infuriating was that when he had enquired tactfully , some might say , whether she was tired , he clearly had been expecting her to say a polite ‘ yes ’ so that he could then suggest that she had an early night .
7 Will he assure the House that he will vigorously resist that further instance of discrimination against British industry ?
8 All right , so he 'd never feel that he was betraying her memory .
9 He must now ask whether , given that drivers must insure anyway , it would be more or less expensive to force potential victims to insure against emotional injury in the very special circumstances of Mrs. McLoughlin 's case , and he might well decide that splitting the risk in this particular way would be so inefficient as to offset the gains from assigning this part of the risk to the victims .
10 He argues that the Common Agriculture Policy should be scrapped and he would ideally prefer that the UK was not a member of the EC .
11 You should teach the patient safety measures when going outside with the wheelchair : for instance , he must keep his hemiplegic arm safely on his lap , and he must always check that both feet are on the footplates before you set off .
12 The signification is private to the user , and he can only hope that resemblances in his own experience have their counterpart in the experience of others , so that they can attach a meaning of their own to what he says .
13 After a while , Marcus , as if impatient , or to see if he had had any effect , stopped the breathing exercise and , half sitting up , began to pull the limp body about , almost roughly , almost angrily , as if he would scarcely believe that he was not succeeding .
14 The hon. Gentleman would do me a great favour if he could kindly confirm that his party , if in power , would spend an extra £13 billion above what we are spending .
15 She had already fallen in love with him , her whole heart had been surrendered , but he could never know that because he would have such power over her that she would never be able to deny him her body .
16 But he must now know that an Iraqi démarche around January 15th — perhaps a partial withdrawal from Kuwait — would make the use of force bitterly controversial at home .
17 She would feel ridiculous because he would simply show that ironic , arrogant surprise if she panicked .
18 He must n't ever know that her father 's faith in her capabilities was less than rock-solid , because he would doubtless use that as one more negotiating ploy in his campaign to buy the club .
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