Example sentences of "[conj] he [adv] [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Returning towards the island he saw five Ju88s heading out to sea and although he now had little ammunition left , attacked and thought that he had managed to damage one .
2 Bernard , however , realized that unless someone with a sound financial background took the company 's problems in hand , its continued existence was threatened , although he too showed little enthusiasm for the idea .
3 His ‘ ardour … for his books of chivalry ’ ( OMF iii 5 ) is described in Cervantes ' first chapter : ‘ so great was his curiosity and infatuation in this regard that he even sold many acres of tillable land in order to be able to buy and read the books that he loved , and he would carry home with him as many of them as he could obtain . ’
4 To have asked him to be a godfather had crossed my mind ; but I knew that he already held this office in plurality .
5 On the other hand , it was obvious from the shadows like sooty thumbprints beneath his eyes and the tension around his mouth that he desperately needed some sleep .
6 Leonard 's mind was such that he always had several ironies in his fire at any one time , even when he was seeking to demythologise some of them !
7 I know that he recently considered this matter at a meeting with the northern TECs , but will he further consider the plight of some regions where costs are slightly higher than in , say , the south-east ?
8 He set off at a fast lope , leaving her amazed that he still had enough energy to move so quickly , but also puzzled .
9 As for Brian Redhead , a BBC radio presenter who had the temerity to call him a conspiracy , ‘ His failure to apologise meant that he never got another interview with Mrs Thatcher as prime minister . ’
10 It is possible that the subject retained a single letter in the form of a visual representation of the acoustic stimulus and that he subsequently matched this representation against the visually presented probe stimulus .
11 Additionally , carried away by enthusiasm that ought not to affect the judgement of experienced lawyers , they advised him , or agreed on his urging ( I do not know which ) , that he should issue writs for libel , which he did , with the disastrous effect that he actually accepted some damages from one publication before he was compelled to reveal the falsity of his assertions .
12 Now he felt his brain slowly expanding , the noise and sunshine seemed to have entered his skull , and he badly wanted some food to settle the turbid churning of his feelings .
13 And he even had some affection for Mrs Thatcher ?
14 He made annual visits to Spain and Portugal in connection with his business and he normally lived several months a year in London .
15 Maza had gained a high reputation for leading the fight against " narco-terrorism " over the previous six years and he also claimed several successes in rescuing the kidnap victims of the drug cartels .
16 So , so , he looked , he looked round at me , he looked at the the other group waiting in front and he was , he flashed his lights at them so that , they realised what was going on by then , they moved forward a bit , I moved back a bit and he just had enough room he reversed right up close to me and then got out but he just had enough room to get out , and since then I wo n't park over the driveway up there , cos you can bet your life the one driveway along that road and you parked in front is the one that somebody wants to get into .
17 After all , Niki did too on occasion — until it brought Niki a recurrence of the Nürburgring nightmare and he never touched another joint in his life .
18 And he never had any hesitation in using his reputation to reach the most unapproachable people personally if he thought that conservation would benefit as a result .
19 His ferocious anti-Christianity , in no way the creature of fashion , never waned even in old age ; and he never forgot that literature is about something , and that it matters whether that something is true or false .
20 He still held himself with the easy confidence she remembered , his dark head carried at an unconsciously arrogant angle , and he still had that polish to him , the patina of success .
21 And he specifically said this bloke none
22 Butler 's role at Crystal Palace was thus largely a supportive one and he seldom gained much publicity , but fans of the time recognised him as a useful contributor to the Palace cause .
23 I have marmalade on toast right and he only said this morning and he said do n't forget the marmalade , he 's chucking the jar out .
24 To gain and maintain his hold over the Company Sulivan had to become a formidable politician and he inevitably made many enemies .
25 Previously he had been engaged in making a geological map of Devon and he now continued this work in an official capacity .
26 Malekith had been shown the secret trade routes of the Dwarfs during his period as Bel Shanaar 's ambassador , and he now used that knowledge to his own benefit .
27 It did n't last long because we were back in the boardroom by now , and he quickly got another glass of champagne into his clutches .
28 ‘ Goodnight , ’ — Boy was not sure if he was yet allowed to address her by her name , did n't know if he yet had that right .
29 It occurred to Rostov that there would be more point to the information if he also had some control over the pod 's guidance system , but at least he now knew where he was going .
30 If he ever reached that point , contrary to what her natal sign would seem to suggest , she might explode .
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