Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] first [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was odd that he 'd first spoken to her in English when he could n't possibly have known …
2 She was so furious that she forgot that he had first asked for her trust .
3 It was the Smith and Wesson Chiefs Special revolver that he had first seen in the Number One dressing room of the Prince 's Theatre , Taunton .
4 Maidstone explained that he had first come to Italy after the First World War .
5 Kanemaru reportedly said , however , that he had first learned of the involvement of Inagawa-kai on Dec. 23 , 1987 , whereas Watanabe had already stated that Kanemaru had called on him in September 1987 to ask Ishii to suppress the Nihon Kiminto campaign .
6 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance : and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
7 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and before the case for the Crown has been closed , provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance ; and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
8 Conversely , when Woosnam was taken ill so badly during the Johnnie Walker tournament in Bangkok earlier this year that on completion of his round he had to be rushed to hospital suffering from dehydration , he did not leave until he had first dealt with the hovering group of reporters .
9 She had been his housekeeper since he had first moved into the rectory with Adelaide , and she looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession .
10 Whitlock had been going to Le Chantilly restaurant on East 57th Street since he had first arrived in New York in 1980 .
11 In two weeks ' time it would be one year since he had first come to Iraq .
12 She knew what he was looking at — the pile of birthday cards on the kitchen table , and the letter that she had just started to rip open when he had first thumped on her door .
13 Bobby Anscombe , who had reacted badly when he had first heard of the deaf-aid idea , was forced to admit at the end that it might work .
14 When he had first arrived at the then strange , adult world of Carewscourt , he had been delighted to find another boy of his own age living on the estate .
15 He felt comfortable now watching the black faces on the pavement , screwed up against the drizzle , but remembered his resentment when he had first learned of his posting .
16 Now that he was a man he was no more capable of working unsupervised than when he had first come to the farm at the age of twelve .
17 He remembered how Minch had spoken to him like this when he had first come to the Cages .
18 When he had first come to Maythorpe House as an ignorant thirteen-year-old who had never before lived in anything grander than a tiny gardener 's cottage , he had felt awed and frightened , and unable to grasp that this huge place was now his home .
19 When he had first come to Egypt Garvin had insisted that he stay with an Arab family perfecting his Arabic .
20 She 'd sensed something when he 'd first stood in the garden with the children ; she 'd sensed it when she 'd opened the hall door to him .
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