Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So he did , we found the place , just withdrawn into the bushes by the path , where he had trampled uneasily and flattened the grass .
2 Gerstner came to RJR from American Express , where he had spent more than 10 years , the last four as president .
3 She was still tingling with pleasure and her cheeks burned when she realised that if he came back he could just take up where he had left off and she would not do a thing to stop him .
4 He 'd walked round the engine sheds , he said , where he 'd looked long and lovingly at the old locomotives , and where he 'd seen schoolboys and middle-aged men carefully recording numbers and wheel-arrangements in their note-books .
5 Trainer Ian Duncan , whose stable is on the shores of Lough Neagh , was also scoring his first win in this historic race although he had gone close when Camlin River was beaten by Phillipinetown Lad a few years ago .
6 It had n't actually been Guy Sterne 's fault that he 'd barged in and found her naked in his bedroom last night , even if his mocking treatment of the incident had been grossly insulting …
7 And Liberal leader Paddy Ashdown 's popularity actually increased after the revelation that he 'd dipped more than just a toe into the typing pool .
8 A teenager who thought that he 'd won more than a hundred thousand pounds on a bet has today been told that he 'll get just seven hundred and twenty eight pounds .
9 I feared as well that Mills might not be dead after all , that he 'd recovered miraculously and decided for some reason not to go to the police .
10 A wild idea occurred to him — why did n't he just get his spare shirts and the few pieces that he 'd picked up while he 'd been staying here , throw them all into a bag , and jump on a train or a bus to present himself on their doorstep ?
11 The shocked driver assumed that he had run over and killed someone on the line , but on investigation there was no injured person to be found .
12 If human death is a measure of suffering , then David Damiani would surely have agreed that he had suffered less than Shlomo Green .
13 Angela , Lady Macleod , who had once been Angela Deverill and whom he had thought that he had loved more than life itself , picked up her parasol , an object as lovely and useless as she was .
14 Mr. Gilberd instructed the defendant to confirm with the bank that the cheque was acceptable , and the defendant later told him that he had done so and that such a cheque was ‘ as good as cash . ’
15 When questioned , Mason , the carpenter , agreed that it was he who had raised the flag , but said that he had done so because he had been prematurely informed of the relief of Mafeking .
16 Sadleir felt that he had done enough and wished to return to the coast .
17 He felt that he had seen more than enough of Mr Yarrow .
18 Domenico Sica , the High Commissioner responsible for co-ordinating the fight against the Mafia [ see p. 36433 for his appointment in August 1988 ] , was in March 1990 accused of having exceeded his powers , in that he had conducted rather than co-ordinated police investigations [ see pp. 36433 ; 37096 ] .
19 He sat motionless , swathed in a greatcoat despite the day 's oppressive heat , and with his face concealed by the peak of his hat that he had turned fore and aft to shadow his eyes .
20 He emphatically denied that he had acted improperly or had manipulated the system to his advantage .
21 And then Viola Angotti had taken one more step , and with a faint sigh she had socked him in the stomach so hard that he had doubled over and lost his lunch .
22 He began to tell me the difficulties of his life at home , and finally he told me that he had tried more than once to find a home with another brother or sister , but they had persuaded him to return to Cis and Elfed .
23 He remembered not only his father 's harshness , but that he had worked hard and struggled to give both children a good education , holidays abroad and a comfortable home , all things he 'd never had himself .
24 Dalgliesh 's wife had n't wanted to be with her mother , she had wanted to be with him , had wanted it with such intensity that he had wondered afterwards whether she might have felt a premonition .
25 Pope John , it is said , ‘ had not envisaged the possibility of rejection and expected a rapid and painless vote in favour of projects that he had read through and welcomed with full approval ’ ( Ratzinger Report , 1985 , p. 41 ) .
26 Curled up in his army greatcoat , Frankie listened to the snores of the man in the attic and hoped and prayed that neither Sweetheart nor the two policemen would tell Buddie that he had wandered off and become lost .
27 Hammond had a brush with the Commonwealth 's accounts committee in 1651 , but protested that he had accounted fully and properly for all the sums which he had received in all the three armies in which he had served ; he pointed out that his account from July 1649 on was with the army in Scotland , where by this time George Monck ( later first Duke of Albemarle , q.v. ) had succeeded him as lieutenant-general of the ordnance .
28 Gluckman said that he had performed more than 200 post-mortems on black people who had died in detention , and he was convinced that 90 per cent of these people were killed by the police .
29 That effort marked him as a classic possible and his work on the gallops leaves no doubt in my mind that he has trained on and can dispose of Azhar on his way to better things .
30 The same interests have dominated his 10 years at Westminster , and it is claimed that he has redistributed more than £60 million from the taxpayer to the poor by challenging the DHSS in test cases .
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