Example sentences of "[conj] are [adv] [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 But this explanation is not sufficient to explain the phenomenon : there is a definite difference between , shall we say , an amoeba and a crystal , yet the crystal grows and ( in a very limited sense ) reproduces — two activities that are generally assumed to be characteristic of living material .
2 Brüggen directs hard-driven , almost consciously abrasive performances of these two symphonies that are generally thought to be among Beethoven 's more genial offerings .
3 For communication involves the notions of intention and agency , and only those inferences that are openly intended to be conveyed can properly be said to have been communicated .
4 As well as the low-end K2 boxes , Sequent will also be launching a series of high-end , Pentium-ready systems that are also thought to be NT-capable .
5 Fortunately most horses are n't born anxious , and it is natural for young horses that are well handled to be confident and friendly .
6 In the field of ideas we rarely design transition ideas : ideas that are never meant to be permanent .
7 In addition , the investors will be keen to obtain warranties in respect of the business plan and future financial forecasts along the following lines : ( a ) The Business Plan has been carefully prepared in good faith having regard to the information available and the market conditions prevailing at the time of its preparation and the figures contained therein have been carefully considered and are honestly believed to be reasonable and the Managers have made all reasonable enquiries so as to ascertain all such information and conditions which are relevant to the preparation of the forecasts contained therein .
8 The wars which so frequently rage in the Middle East are almost invariably born of such allegiances and are frequently claimed to be necessary to protect one particular religion or version or derivative of it .
9 In other words , there is extensive support in Britain and many other western states for government welfare and economic programmes which help the ‘ deserving ’ poor , and are also thought to be credible and realistic .
10 All statements of fact and information contained or referred to in the Disclosure Letter are true and complete and are not misleading in any respect , all statements of opinion therein have been made after due and careful enquiry and are reasonably believed to be correct and nothing has been omitted from the Disclosure Letter which renders any of such matters misleading .
11 Such regions are designated for a period of five years and are specifically defined to be those areas ( NUTS Level II ) where per capita GDP in PPSs is less than 75 per cent of the Community average .
12 Several species of Australian amphibian , amongst them some of the most beautiful and interesting in the world , have died out and are now thought to be extinct .
13 They have advanced down the Asmara road in the past four weeks and are now reported to be operating south of Dese .
14 The proposals will go before councillors at a private meeting , and are then expected to be given the go-ahead at a full meeting of Strathclyde Region later in the morning .
15 He talks well , he 's travelled to distant lands , he speaks foreign languages , he 's conversant with the arts — more than conversant — and he dresses in clothes which do n't fit the contours of his body and are therefore declared to be fashionable by people in the know .
16 Anaspids also show a dorsally placed nasohypophysial opening and are therefore considered to be closely related to lampreys and cephalaspids .
17 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons , or HCFCs , break down more quickly in the stratosphere and are therefore considered to be less damaging to the ozone layer .
18 These do not meet the sentencing requirement but are nevertheless deemed to be arrestable offences .
19 Kelly and Forrester picked up knocks on Saturday but are both expected to be fit for Battyburn .
20 In the Society 's view , there is a risk that many thousands of people will be improperly denied legal advice if the Regulations come into force on 12th April , but are subsequently held to be unlawful .
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