Example sentences of "[conj] by a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This pattern can be explained either by an artefact arising with short PCR probes detecting clusters of short repeats or by a low abundance of the ERG product among other repeat products containing CpG trinucleotides .
2 This was frequently influenced by the fact that easily available building materials like turf or heather thatch were not long-lasting , or by a short-term need for housing in particular places , such as mining areas where the demand disappeared when the coal seam ran out .
3 Any member failing to pay his subscription for one year or more may be dismissed from membership by the Council at a duly convened meeting , or by a postal ballot of the voting members of Council .
4 The power stations may be cooled by an open circuit , when located on a river or by the sea , or by a closed circuit with a cooling tower , or again , as at Chinon , to meet environmental conditions , by forced draught .
5 ‘ Often as he sat in Davin 's rooms in Grantham Street , wondering at his friend 's well made boots that flanked the wall pair by pair , and repeating for his friend 's simple ear the verses and cadences of others which with the veils of his own longing dejection , the rude pheoboric mind of his listener had drawn his mind towards it and flung it back again , drawing it by a quiet inbred courtesy of attention , or by a quaint turn of Old English speech , or by the force of its delight in rude bodily skills , for Davin had sat at the feet of Michael Cussack the game , repelling it swiftly and suddenly by a grossness of intelligence , or by a bluntness of feeling , or by a dull stare of terror in the eyes , the terror of sole of starving Irish village in which the curfew was still a nightly fear .
6 By Sept. 30 the Federal Assembly would pass a law , which the federal government had already approved , legalising four possible ways of winding up the federation : by referendum ; by agreement between the two republics ; by the unilateral secession of one republic ; or by a simple declaration of the Assembly .
7 The significance of either of these factors varied from site to site ; at times cults appear largely to have been promoted by the Church hierarchy , or by a small group with a precise , often family , interest in the new saint — this seems to be the norm for the development of the cults of the aristocratic saints of the seventh century .
8 ‘ Often as he sat in Davin 's rooms in Grantham Street , wondering at his friend 's well made boots that flanked the wall pair by pair , and repeating for his friend 's simple ear the verses and cadences of others which with the veils of his own longing dejection , the rude pheoboric mind of his listener had drawn his mind towards it and flung it back again , drawing it by a quiet inbred courtesy of attention , or by a quaint turn of Old English speech , or by the force of its delight in rude bodily skills , for Davin had sat at the feet of Michael Cussack the game , repelling it swiftly and suddenly by a grossness of intelligence , or by a bluntness of feeling , or by a dull stare of terror in the eyes , the terror of sole of starving Irish village in which the curfew was still a nightly fear .
9 Employer interests in industrial relations may be promoted by individual firms or undertakings acting singly , by a group of enterprises acting together via an ad hoc body , or by a permanent association of employers to represent their collective interests .
10 In the case of a patient such as you describe , this can be done by providing community nursing care to the patient 's own home , by providing in-patient care or by a contractual arrangement with an independent sector home ( ie paid for in full by the health authority ) .
11 As AMPS are shares , dividends can not be paid in respect of them except out of distributable profits , nor can they be redeemed unless the redemption is financed out of distributable profits or by a fresh issue of shares .
12 ( B ) ( 7 ) : The ball may be brought into play at a formed lineout or by a quick throw-in without waiting for players to form a lineout .
13 It can hardly be coincidental that these remarkable evolutionary events , taking place within only a few million years , correspond so closely in time with an episode of exceptional igneous and urogenic activity ( Larsen & Pitman , 1972 ) , the rapid disintegration of Pangaea ( Hallam , 1980 ) and the biggest marine transgression since the mid-Palaeozoic , apparently produced either by a phase of accelerated sea-floor spreading or by a dramatic increase in the length of the ocean ridge system .
14 The student may seek escape in passivity and make only perfunctory efforts to learn the target language ; or he may express antagonism by making no effort to adopt the correct pronunciation or by a deliberate use of native language patterns in the target language .
15 Most issues were to be decided unanimously , where any one state clearly had a veto , or by a qualified majority of 12 votes from at least four states : this was designed to protect the interests of all states , not just the smaller members .
16 Other forms include being subject to investigation by a public ombudsman , or by a select committee of the House of Commons , or by a public auditor , or by a public regulatory body ( such as those which supervise the recently privatized gas and telecommunications industries ) ; being obliged to conduct business in accordance with statutory rules or government direction or to submit business plans for public approval ; holding a position or office which is subject , either directly or indirectly , to popular election .
17 The Lord Chancellor said the bill was entirely one of principle : abolition of imprisonment for debt except in cases of fraud , no more distinction between traders and non-traders , debtors able to liquidate their liabilities by private arrangement or by a public enquiry in the Insolvent Court .
18 Consequently all and only sexual buds are impressionable , whether by the action of changed conditions or by a sexual element from a mate of unlike constitution .
19 This is usually accompanied either by a full written report , or by a brief report with a fuller version lodged with each departmental office , if the complete report is lengthy .
20 The situation is best illustrated by a letter that reached me at this time from Mrs Mugabe : There was no way in which I could reply to the letter except by a futile expression of sympathy .
21 Although she did call for a fuller apprenticeship for women , Amelia McLean did not argue ( nor did anyone else ) that the Monotype made old-fashioned apprentice ships redundant , and that by a historical reversal of the usual procedure , women compositors in 1910 actually controlled a skilled process while men did not .
22 One might have supposed , therefore , that if the donor has chosen to make the gift by handing to the donee a signed transfer and the share certificate , rather than by a formal declaration of trust in favour of the donee , the gift would not be effective unless and until the transfer was registered .
23 In practice this should mean that the design of consents has been influenced less by conceptions about the similarity of discharges than by a scientific analysis of the impact a particular discharge may have on a particular watercourse and the polluting load that that watercourse can accept , according to agency plans for river quality .
24 In the general election of 1983 , 63 per cent of the vote for the Liberal-SDP Alliance was motivated by dislike for the other parties rather than by a positive liking for their own party of choice — still less for their policies .
25 Through the British Association of Language Teachers , the Joint Council of Language Associations , the Modern Language Association , the National Council for Mother Tongue Teaching , the National Anti-Racist Movement in Education , and other similarly voluntary professional bodies it is possible to locate interest and potential assistance , more easily than by a direct approach to local teacher training institutions , colleges of further education and so on .
26 However , the assumption remains that most demands must be met , albeit by a progressive adjustment in the sources of supply .
27 However , the assumption remains that most demands must be met , albeit by a progressive adjustment in the sources of supply .
28 On May 4 UMNO had won the by-election to the federal House of Assembly in Bayu in northern Kedah state , albeit by a reduced majority of 3,592 votes against the main opposition Parti Islam ( PAS ) .
29 Third , a study in Greater Glasgow ( Haw 1985 ) investigated problem drug use during the years 1980–83 using routine statistics , and by a prospective survey of four agencies and fieldwork in two areas of Glasgow during the first three months of 1984 .
30 Over a ten year period , drink related road traffic deaths fell by over 60 per cent in the UK and by a similar percentage in Germany .
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