Example sentences of "[conj] was [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 He resented that and was determined that she should receive some mail at their address , under their married name .
2 I got in touch with the linguists in the University and the College of Education , and was asked if I could do some teaching in March ( March seeming a long way away , I agreed ) .
3 The shortened burst of automatic fire from Nell 's Uzi had cut into the night and was gone before it could be properly assimilated .
4 There was nowhere to park the car , and that solved any uncertainty about how to handle the parting ; before she slid out she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek like a schoolyard dare , and was gone before there could be any reaction .
5 That monarch was undoubtedly comfortably ensconced up in Berwick Castle , but after some delay the Earl of Salisbury did arrive , with heralds , and was informed that he could advance safely to near the walling .
6 Somebody phoned an ambulance and was told that it would take between an hour and an hour and a half to arrive , so Derek volunteered to drive me to Casualty at Freedom Fields Hospital in Plymouth , forty-five miles away .
7 Kerry Evans said at Shrewsbury Crown Court that he asked Edward Browning about the blood , and was told that it must have come from an animal he had hit while driving to Scotland .
8 On one occasion when Tolkien tore a ligament playing squash , and was told that he would be confined to his bed for ten weeks , Lewis went to see him — but , as Warnie recorded , he ‘ found Madame [ i.e. Tolkien 's wife ] there , so could not have much conversation with him ’ .
9 A asked ‘ What 's in it for me ? ’ and was told that he would receive £10,000 if W bought it for £100,000 or less .
10 I sought guidance earlier , Mr. Deputy Speaker , and was advised that one could speak on anything in the Queen 's Speech , but if that is incorrect I shall confine my remarks to the council tax .
11 I tried to get them repaired , but was told that it would be much cheaper to buy replacements .
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