Example sentences of "[conj] was [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sorry ! ’ he said , adding in a tone that was intended to be gentle , but came out wheedling , ‘ Do you find me repulsive ? ’
2 After a voyage of investigation in 1584 a colony that was intended to be permanent was launched in 1585 .
3 It was however in the late 1950s that a dog arrived who embodied everything that was thought to be correct , a living blueprint for further development .
4 He glanced down at Mariana , throwing her a fresh smile that was meant to be encouraging but she was looking straight ahead , eyes fixed on the sand-spit .
5 There was a much-told tale of her Australian infancy that was held to be prophetic in this respect — about how at the age of three she had , by the sheer force of her will , compelled her uncle Walter ( who was taking her for a walk to the local shops at the time ) to put all the money he had on his person into a charity collecting-box in the shape of a plaster-of-Paris boy cripple ; as a result of which the uncle , too embarrassed to admit to this folly and borrow from his relatives , had run out of petrol on the way back to his sheep station .
6 Owen 's own first chosen vehicle , the co-operative community , had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable .
7 Using a marker perfusion technique , however , the uptake of taurocholate and glycocholate was measured in three infants with cystic fibrosis and was noted to be similar to control subjects .
8 Speaker 12 used Creole syntax and phonology and was judged to be black by the majority of respondents , just as they had judged Speaker 2 ( = 11 ) to be black in her " Creole " guise .
9 There was really very little to talk about , since they 'd seen each other at breakfast , so conversation became desultory once Irene had told Juliet about the other patients — the hysterectomies , the ovarian cyst as big as a football , and the girl who had come to be sterilised and was found to be pregnant .
10 In Yuill v Wilson [ 1979 ] STC 486 ( CA ) ; [ 1980 ] STC 460 ( HL ) , the UK resident taxpayer provided two overseas companies , with which he was connected , with the opportunity of realising a gain and was held to be assessable on the gain .
11 The National Materials Handling Centre , with its interest in sustaining national expertise and development in warehouse design , decided to look at the factors restricting advances in the building of automatic warehouses in the United Kingdom and one which emerged and was considered to be worthy of further enquiry was the attention being paid to the problems of fire in high-bay warehouses .
12 Thomas Fuller Bacon was born in Stamford in 1824 and was considered to be stubborn , selfish and unsociable as a child .
13 In other contexts the courts have taken a broad , purposive approach to the interpretation of the 1977 Act ; thus in Smith v Eric S Bush ; Harris v Wyre Forest DC [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 the House of Lords held that a disclaimer of liability on a surveyor 's report , which purported to prevent the surveyor owing a duty of care to the recipient of the report , was subject to s2 of the Act and was required to be reasonable .
14 She was a mantri , a person who knew certain magic incantations , and was reputed to be able to cure sick animals .
15 Before Koch , the cause of tuberculosis was unknown , but was suspected to be hereditary .
16 She also suffered from epilepsy and diabetes but was said to be happy and cheerful despite her disabilities .
17 The singer , best known for the classic Great Balls Of Fire , was expected two days ago but was said to be furious at taking second billing in the Giants of Rock 'n' Roll concerts .
18 Their activity created some initial enthusiasm , but was found to be poor compared with quinine .
19 She was taken to the Western Isles Hospital but was found to be dead on arrival .
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