Example sentences of "[conj] is [vb pp] [adv] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 It is not the word that is meant here but the idea denoted by it .
2 The ‘ rodent-run ’ display takes an entirely different form and is employed especially where the local predatory species are always on the alert for small rats , mice , or lemmings .
3 Furthermore , although the effect of a short preceding interval is greatest upon infants ( as well as upon fetal life , as discussed later ) and is reduced progressively as the child ages , poor spacing does have adverse health and mortality consequences for children in the 1–4 year age range , too .
4 This is manifest as a change in the specific volume due solely to an increase in the free volume and is shown schematically as the cross hatched area in figure 12.10 , where the broken line indicates the temperature dependence of V o .
5 This is evident when the bird coils its neck ( D ) and is suggested even when the neck is straight ( B ) .
6 This suggest that the gas is undergoing a cooling flow , as is expected anyway as the gas density inferred from the X-ray luminosity requires that the cooling time be less than the age of the Universe within that region .
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