Example sentences of "[conj] it made [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She glanced up at the blackened night sky , pin-pointed with stars so wondrous that it made her feel like crying , and wished she were home , warm and safe in bed .
2 Geoff Tulloch once advanced the opinion that it made her look like an air hostess .
3 Despite some criticisms that it made him look like Michael Foot , it was a media success .
4 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
5 And it made her look at Simon again , he was the messenger , he was a link , it had to mean something .
6 He stopped when he saw the twisted grin on Luther 's face , and it made him remember with a falling heart that this man was not his real father .
7 He did a very good job , but it made me think about what would be right for me when I died . ’
8 I laughed at this , but it made me think of where Charlie may have inherited some of his cruelty .
9 But it made me think of the voice that sent us to the bar ; he whispered then .
10 She meant it as a compliment but it made me sound like her GP .
11 He would have liked her home more , because it made him feel in control .
12 ‘ Yes , ’ whispered Fenella , and wished that Caspar had not used the word sucking , because it made you think about coldly evil creatures with grisly appetites , who might leap on to you and cling to you and sink teeth and claws and needle-sharp pincers into you and suck out your blood and your marrow and all your life juices …
13 He wished he had n't spotted it as it made him think of this morning and going round the house in Hill View Road , and the idea his Mum and Dad had about moving .
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