Example sentences of "[conj] it was mean to be " in BNC.

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1 For a child of five this was a terrifying experience , although it was meant to be a birthday treat .
2 Twoflower decided that it was meant to be a chuckle .
3 ‘ The saddest thing of all about it , ’ he says , ‘ is that it was meant to be the proudest . ’
4 He glanced up at Doyle to see if it was meant to be a joke , but Doyle was not smiling .
5 If it was meant to be it would be , I would n't have to do a thing about it .
6 The Shah appropriated the idea of reform to himself an launched what he called his " White Revolution " — white because it was meant to be bloodless .
7 It closed a few years ago , they could n't knock it down because it was meant to be a prime example of nineteen thirties architecture .
8 It was n't a warm day though it was meant to be spring , and she felt colder thinking of him standing about in the mud of a building site .
9 Because people refused — and still do refuse — to live life as it was meant to be lived , in happy friendship and obedience to God , evil is present , not only in our world , but within us all .
10 Then up here in my studio , without a word being spoken , everything came back plainly into view , as it was meant to be .
11 It was a degrading experience ; as it was meant to be .
12 Penelope lay among them , eating the cold leathery pizza — surely not quite as it was meant to be ? and drinking sweet tea .
13 Moses permitted divorce because of the human realities involved , for it was meant to be a protection for the woman against the possibility of physically aggressive acts from the husband .
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