Example sentences of "[conj] it was [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The likelihood is that had the matter come before the courts in the nineteenth century , they would have held that the mistake had to be reasonable , for it was generally considered at that time that mistake was a defence which would excuse a defendant from liability only where it was based on reasonable grounds .
2 Also , he had Amy 's body sent down to Worcester College , Oxford , where it was interned with costly pageantry and ostentation .
3 Returning to ‘ Ancient Buildings : And the City Churches ’ , he stressed the need to preserve the Church 's role in society , particularly where it was threatened by urban secularization .
4 He drove to a Customs depot where it was sealed by Spanish Customs officers .
5 There was a strange picture in one of the bedrooms of a centaur-like creature , a horse with the torso and head of a man , presenting itself at a forge to be shod , where it was eyed with fearful fascination by the smith and a crowd of onlookers .
6 The Cabinet approved the plan unanimously and placed it before the Knesset where it was attacked by Labour , who claimed that it would increase the financial burden for the middle and lower classes , boost inflation and fail to promote the absorbtion of immigrants .
7 Two years later , after a command performance at Windsor Castle , he disbanded it , and although it was resuscitated at public request , and attracted stars like ( Sir ) Charles Santley [ q.v. ] , it finally expired in 1887 .
8 The widespread influence of Ribble , Bowlby and Spitz , although it was supported by new , more permissive baby books such as Benjamin Spock 's Baby and Child Care ( 1946 ) , can not be entirely explained in terms of parents ' reaction against the rigours of aseptic mothercraft .
9 What The Stones and The Animals and all the great bands that I grew up with did was to take black music , and although it was played by white kids , they did n't change the nature of the beast , and it worked .
10 A report of the work was typed by the school secretary but its informal style and the sometimes cryptic references to individual children make it clear that it was intended for internal circulation only .
11 Later , in England , it occurred to her that it might have been said ironically , but by then she had forgotten the context and intonation of it , could only remember that it was said under hot sun outside the Maison Carrée in Nîmes , where the air was fluent and the stones shone .
12 The Left believed , and there is little evidence to the contrary even after 30 years of " revisionist " history , that the National government was willing to make concessions out of all proportion to those necessary and that it was supported by influential people who were quite willing to see Hitler at war with the Soviet Union .
13 Unless , therefore the guarantee was void as having been made for an illegal consideration or voidable on the ground of economic duress , the extrinsic evidence establishes that it was supported by valid consideration .
14 She opened the tall refrigerator and found , to her surprise , that it was stocked with white wine , beer , mineral water and coke for the children .
15 It was first mentioned in 909 as Manburon , but the remains of defensive works and lake pile-dwellings indicate that it was inhabited in prehistoric times .
16 Traditionally , local government exhibited one of the dysfunctions of bureaucracy mentioned in Chapter 3 — that it was run on departmental lines with departments such as housing , education and public works providing services in isolation from each other .
17 She held firm because she knew that the road to compromise was without signposts , that the possibilities for getting lost were manifold and that it was paved with flawed imitations of the truth .
18 One of these aircraft was unique in that it was fitted with metallised wings and fuselage , making it the only metal Norseman in the world .
19 It is a bit much for the hon. Member for Gordon to show a report and to say that it was compiled by Labour-controlled Lothian regional council .
20 The significance of this strikingly worded note is that it was written in full knowledge of the methods already being used by " local commanders " to " persuade Jugoslavs that they should return to Jugoslavia " — ie the " deception " whereby they were allowed to believe that they were being taken to Italy .
21 There was a time when we naively believed that it was caused by Immune Overload — too many stimulants and not enough rest and nutrition .
22 She knew she ought to tell Georg it was all over between them , that it was finished for good .
23 The argument that it was confined to physical obstruction and threats was rejected in Bastable v. Little .
24 The defendants objected to disclosure on ground that it was protected by legal professional privilege .
25 Lifting it to her face , she discovered that it was lined in fine padded silk .
26 The second example has no joins in the outer skin , only a copper-silver alloy coating , indicating that it was plated with molten metal rather than foils .
27 This was by far the most fertile area I had as yet seen in the Danakil country , and it was dotted with small villages of mat-covered huts .
28 It started to pour in and it was compared with previous .
29 Four voices , more or less unbroken , were singing the old Drifter 's classic ‘ Stand By Me ’ , and it was followed by ragged Turkish applause .
30 Either local cultivators and pastoralists were cleared from the land completely and it was reserved for European immigrants , or in some cases ( like Uganda and larger parts of Tanganyika ) local cultivators were encouraged , or forced , to grow crops for sale either as export crops or as food crops to feed the mining workforces in southern Africa ( for longer accounts of the processes of settler immigration and colonial policies , see Rodney 1972 ; Palmer & Parsons 1977 ) .
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