Example sentences of "[conj] it is not [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So , wrote Harsnet , there is continuity as well as discontinuity , but that does not mean , he wrote , that there exists what is called character , personality , character , Goldberg wrote in the margin , personality , as they seem to think , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg went on typing ) , when they say you have such a generous character if you would only recognize it , or you have so much to offer , or it is not for myself I speak but for you , not for myself I mourn but for the waste of all that generosity , when they pour those words over you , character , generosity , warmth , looking sad , shedding tears , putting on a brave face , saying do n't pay any attention to me , or , it 's nothing , forget it , I 'm crying for the waste , meaning waste if it 's not directed towards them , but you have only to see what happens when one lets oneself be persuaded by that sort of thing , wrote Harsnet , you have only to see what happened to Hutchinson , MacMahon , Rollins and Goldberg .
2 In many ways , it is a thriving area , although it is not without its pockets of deprivation .
3 Although it is not in itself part of the system which generates intensional structures , and we shall not make the term part of our fundamental descriptive apparatus , we may say that the property of an adjective applies to an entity when the language user takes the property which it designates to be valid ( in positive statements ) for some entity which he or she also recognizes ( even if the entity itself may be acknowledged as an imaginary one ) .
4 It is enough to say that , having adopted the character of Oliver Twist , I have been fortunate in meeting with a kindlier and less formidable response than he ; and while anyone who knows the editor 's capabilities must realise that it is not beyond his powers to write a further introduction of the same delight as that preceding Volume II , it would be unreasonable to complain that in his assessment of the situation the needs of prompt publication have been put first .
5 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs and at last somebody out there has the common sense to recognise that fact too : the new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4 to 6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix ’ ; if that does n't bring the punters piling in , nothing will .
6 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs .
7 You may tell me that your personal life is not my concern and that it is not for me to comment — and you would be justified however , I can not help but make it my concern because I have your future very much at heart .
8 The hon. Gentleman will understand that it is not for us to tie the hands of the Government of Kenya but to encourage , offer help and point the way whenever we possibly can .
9 I would also I think put in a word for the work of the joint po policy panel erm which is shared between this committee and the social services committee because it seems to me that it is not for us to be thinking that there is a group of children for who nursery education is necessary er or desirable and a different group of children for whom something else erm is necessary and desirable , largely because of their parents ' position .
10 It is similarly unconvincing for UKOOA to say that it is not within its remit to consider trade union or labour relations when the Select Committee was presented with a previous UKOOA agreement and understanding dating from the 1970s , which dealt with exactly these points .
11 Now in Katsikas the Court has asserted that the Directive does not require the employee to take advantage of the transfer provisions if he or she decides that it is not in his or her best interests to do so .
12 Alas , there is no way this can be overcome but it occurs so rarely that it is not in itself an outstanding problem .
13 Having accepted the fact that your body is a machine for which you do not have the manual , and that it is not like anyone else 's body , what can you do about it ?
14 ‘ The correct choice of a suitable male is much more important to them , so it is not in their evolutionary interests to signal their reproductive status . ’
15 And it is n't without its pathetic aspects anyway , this evening scene with the two mature parties , their spectacles , their hair , their heavy old shoes , and the extra trust that she in particular will be needing to feel , and may not feel .
16 Suddenly , an obviously disused airfield appears , right alongside our track — and it is n't on our map !
17 That is for local authorities to decide , and it is not for me to offer them advice .
18 If it is not worth my continuing , sir , I shall not do so .
19 If it is not in your library you may have to use inter-library loan , if this service is available to you .
20 Conversely , a purchased option where the investor is free to allow the option to lapse if it is not in his interest to exercise it will not be a contingent liability transaction .
21 But it is not for me to moralize .
22 Anyway , it sounds like something to make long pisses much more interesting , but it is not for me , thanks to cruel fate .
23 I would not exclude a consideration of the greenbelt functions served by the area , but it is not for us to question the correctness of the approval by the Secretary of State for the Environment of the general extent of the greenbelt for York .
24 This is a highly intuitive environment which cuts down on training needs , but it is not to everyone 's taste , and it needs more development work behind the scenes if we have to write bespoke software .
25 Both Alix and Liz are of the opinion that Esther 's relationship with her niece , with whom she shares her flat , is very odd indeed , but it is not to their advantage to discuss this with one another , or with Esther herself , and they never mention it .
26 Paying attention to real readers is certainly one productive way of breaking out of the view that the text alone determines audience response , but it is not without its difficulties .
27 The new pattern of teaching practice gives increased coverage of the secondary age range in a split system , but it is not without its own difficulties .
28 Most often she stands with the left foot forward ( a borrowing no doubt from the kouros , but it is not like his a full stride , rather so short a step as to seem like a dance-motion ) , left hand pulling the skirt to the side and letting a swag hang free , right forearm raised forward with an offering .
29 The reality is that having a comprehensive and fairly-balanced service agreement is a tremendous advantage to any executive , but it is not in itself enough .
30 This may have strengthened Gloucester 's hand in the region , but it is not in itself an adequate explanation of his arrival there .
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