Example sentences of "[conj] it is [to-vb] that the " in BNC.

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1 This is not to argue that these practices should not be abhorred and punished by society but it is to say that the underlying tendency may be addictive in nature and may therefore require the specific treatment appropriate for any addictive disease .
2 This is not to argue that professionals should try to replicate the process of supporting self-advocacy , but it is to suggest that the aims , mode of operation and the nature of the professional/client working relationship should , at the very least , not be in conflict with the emergence of self-advocacy .
3 Tempting though it is to believe that the top-priced grands vins must be the biggest bargains of all , the opposite is in fact the case .
4 In developing a thorough electronic information resource in the current climate of Town Hall life it is just as important to improve the facilities for a central electronic archive as it is to ensure that the paper records are properly looked after .
5 Important as it is to recognise that the notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical , not much purpose seems to be served by struggling to define more precisely such elusive matters as emotional interactions .
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