Example sentences of "[conj] it is [art] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 This is why registration in Part A is preferable although it is the defendant who carries the burden of proof .
2 He forbids divorce , but implicitly accepts that it is a man who initiates divorce , ‘ the man who divorces his wife …
3 In much of the discussion it has been assumed that it is a parent who seeks the information .
4 Someone must plough the fields or milk the cows , but much of this endeavour takes place hidden from public view and when a tractor is glimpsed across a field it is often assumed that it is a farmer who is in the cab .
5 The use of I in the paraphrase suggests moreover that it is the speaker who somehow sees himself before the infinitive event because it implies that he has not yet realized his desire .
6 If one finds , as one sometimes does , that an Act contains a provision that does not make sense , it is only too easy to assume that it is the draftsman who has made an error .
7 Every slimming club leader knows that it is the member who registers a good weight loss at her weekly weigh-in who is most likely to keep up her dieting and return to the club next week , while the member who records a disappointingly low weight loss is the most likely to drop out .
8 One complaint , which often occurred , was that it is the blacks who hold the real prejudices .
9 Under these circumstances the parents need to be able to take over from each other so that it is the child who tires and not the parents .
10 Implicit in some definitions for differentiated learning is the assumption that it is the child who has the ‘ problem ’ when there is a breakdown in learning .
11 Having established the point that it is the patient who ultimately may set the limits to the doctor 's intervention , it is now necessary to consider the duties which arise in the usual circumstances in which treatment is consented to .
12 The families are within that structure , where it is accepted that it is the man who goes out to work .
13 In I Corinthians 2 he can say almost in the same breath that it is the Spirit who shows believers the deep things of God , and that we have the mind of Christ .
14 On the New Right the denial is often accompanied by the claim that it is the anti-racists who are the real racists ( Barker , 1981 ) .
15 The main purpose of the discussion is to establish that parents understand behaviour good and bad is learned , that children can be ‘ untaught ’ the bad and taught the good , and that it is the parents who do the teaching using the simple methods and techniques you have demonstrated .
16 George Buchanan also contends that it is the people who are the ultimate source of the laws : " the Law is more powerful than the King , and the People more powerful than the Law " for " the People is as it were the Parent of the Law , certainly the Author thereof . "
17 ( Note that the law seems to assume that it is the father who should be prosecuted unless the mother alone has custody . )
18 It is still assumed that it is the woman who will give up work to look after the children or take time off if they are sick , she admits .
19 The difficulty is that the grammar of the disposition suggests that it should be the curator , but the reference to ‘ his , nurses can surely be meant to refer only to the foster-child ; and the last sentence of the text confirms that it is the foster-child who is intended .
20 It is significant that it is the Africans who are pressing for a partial lifting of the ban and the maligned fur trade has made no move in that direction .
21 The point then again arises , as with unsoundness of mind , that it is the doctor who initially defines and outlines these interests .
22 It is , therefore , not surprising to find in Luke that it is the Jews who are blamed for the death of Jesus .
23 The point being — and students of life 's dice rolls will appreciate this — that it is the philosopher who is still out there , and the Leeds player who is drawing the loot .
24 ( d ) The reverse of the above , so that it is the children who are marooned on the alien planet , the teacher who is the alien offering them passage back to earth providing the children can explain the way of life on earth .
25 For Brumfit , applied linguistics is seen as accountable to pedagogy in the sense that it is the teacher who is the ultimate arbiter of relevance .
26 Among other things that it is the teacher who has all the good ideas , thereby making it difficult to hand over responsibility for decision making to the children .
27 In drama there is rarely a single right answer , and it 's often more appropriate to phrase questions so that it is the teacher who does not know , the children who do the clarification :
28 Personally I think that the answer is for manufacturers such as Olivetti to not pass the buck to the dealer using the excuse that it is the dealer who made the buck in the first place !
29 yeah , well let me just read you two or three verses from Exodus , chapter forty , this is what it says then the cloud covered the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and throughout all their journeys whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle the sons of Israel would set out , but if the cloud was not taken up then they did not set out until the day that it was taken up , for throughout all their journeys the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day and there was fire in it by night , in the sight of all the house in Israel and if you were to turn over to kings you 've got a , you 've got a similar thing there with the dedication of the temple and as Be Ben was saying the power really it 's the it 's the presence of God , the shine , the glory , that cloud of , and so what , what , what catches the Lord Jesus up is really the glory of God here he is , the , the riseness , the glorified Christ being called up into heaven in the , in the glory , what he 's been glorified , so he withdraws his physical , physical presence from one place here on earth to present there on the throne and yet by the holy spirit to be every where now Jesus then , he did n't cease to be truly man at either his resurrection or at his ascension , he stays man , God , the God man all the way through and it 's still true today he is the God man today and that 's important for you and me , think of the very worse experience that you have ever had in your life , think of the very worse experience that could happen to you , with the exception of you know that of , of say total failure of some awful sin , the worse thing , maybe a loss of someone dear to you , someone very close to you , er , er , a bereavement , the most awful experience you have had well he has gone through , he has known that experience , he has , has tempted in all points like as we are he knows our frame , he remembers were dust and he has been there and it is a man who has experienced those same experiences that you and I experience day by day , year after year , it is a man who has gone that , who has walked that path , who is in heaven interceding and praying for us , we 'll stop there cos time has gone erm we 'll stop there , we wo n't go on otherwise I 'll get into trouble During this past month some of the questions in the New Testament , the first one we looked at you remember was that question that Jesus asked of his disciples , do you believe that I am able to do this , then we looked at a question which the disciples asked of Jesus , why could we not cast it out last week we looked at another question , are only a few people going to be saved and this morning I 'd like us it 's the final one of these questions not that there are n't other questions in the New Testament and scores , scores of others but were just looking at four er throughout this month , I 'd like us to look this morning for one at , for a few minutes , at one that Jesus asked of a man who confronted him , I 'd like to read a few verses from Luke chapter eighteen , Luke chapter eighteen I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , it 's the well known account of blind Bartimaeus , Luke chapter eighteen and verse thirty five and he came about that as Jesus was approaching Jericho a certain blind man was sitting by the road begging , now hearing a multitude going by he began to inquire
30 And it is a Scot who is credited with using the first ‘ cady ’ on the golf course , namely the Marquis of Montrose , who played on that delightful east-coast course in the 1620s and wrote in his accounts , ‘ payment of four shillings to the boy who carried my clubs ’ .
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