Example sentences of "[conj] it is [verb] out of " in BNC.

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1 British Airways soared 6p to 307p on news that it is pulling out of the $750m US-Air deal .
2 It denies that it is sliding out of its responsibility towards archaeological sites : ‘ Our archaeological activities will still continue and remain a vital part of our work ’ .
3 Symbolics Inc , Concord , Massachusetts artificial intelligence pioneer warns that it is running out of cash and needs additional financing quickly : options include selling the company , obtaining additional financing and filing for bankruptcy protection .
4 If it is kept out of sight and offered at the end of the meal as a special treat , the child will start to learn appropriate eating patterns .
5 Attach the arm inside the sarcophagus so that it looks as if it is coming out of the base , and bend it up slightly so that it looks as if it is pushing up the lid .
6 The chess set changes every so often , unpredictably , in colour and form , as if Tzeentch himself were influencing it ( it will lose this property if it is taken out of the Castle ) .
7 Second , the speed to go through an object before it is hit out of the way must be developed .
8 Every round the tongue regenerates fully ; it must suffer 8 Wounds in a single round before it is put out of action for good .
9 All money which people save has to be invested somewhere , and when it is taken out of circulation it helps to reduce inflation .
10 The final " Dawn " sequence then has the effect both of a reprise , closing the musical form , and of an ironic comment on the human tragedy which , when it is taken out of the public arena into the privacy of Grimes 's mind , actually passes out of the consciousness and memory of those who , only a few hours before , have been clamouring loudest for its execution .
11 Having been synthesized it has to be transported to the part of the cell in which it is required ; there it will remain for its lifetime of hours , weeks or months until it is due for renewal , when it is pulled out of place in the cell and broken down by enzymes as quickly as it was previously synthesized , its building blocks ( the amino acids ) being recycled in the synthesis of other proteins .
12 I wanted the garment to seem feminine even though it is made out of a yarn as heavy and warm as pure wool .
13 An appeal for funds is being established now so that there will be enough money in the kitty to be able to commence work on the locomotive as soon as it is taken out of service next year .
14 If you want to bless me you can bless my bottom , for it is sticking out of the hole . " "
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