Example sentences of "[conj] it have [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The regime was n't defeated although it had come to a dead end and the liberation movement did not conquer the situation although they made government impossible .
2 Although it had come as a shock , for he had never made it his business to enquire into the ramifications of his family , he had found a morbid humour in the situation .
3 Furnas insisted that the most recent stoppage was for routine maintenance until Greenpeace made public information about the incident that it had received from a worker at the plant , later confirmed by the Brazilian nuclear energy commission .
4 This proposal found support in the work of Lord Kelvin , the pioneer Victorian geophysicist , who attempted to calculate the age of the Earth from its probable rate of cooling on the assumption that it had formed as a molten offshoot of the Sun .
5 Its party chairman , Ivan Velkov , declared that it had existed as a " political circle " since the end of 1988 and as a party since Dec. 30 , 1989 , and that it currently had 10,000 members and adherents .
6 Until now its speed had been so great that it had grown into a ravening monster , capable not only of swallowing the Residency , but of gulping down the banqueting hall as well .
7 As a feudal ruler he could not concentrate all power in his own hands , and the East India Company saw that it had to deal with a hundred local rulers .
8 But , much to her surprise , when the bread was baked and she took it out , she found that it had turned to a beautiful large loaf of the finest wheat flour .
9 The new government was formed after consultations with seven parliamentary parties , but not with the Serbian Democratic Party ( SDS ) , which was banned on June 24 after a Sarajevo court found that it had developed into a " classic terrorist organization " , nor with the Serbian Renaissance Movement ( SPO ) .
10 The corrosion emanated from the joint between the bottom of the pressure dome and the fuselage and there was nicotine tar staining on the edge of the corroded area indicating that it had developed over a relatively long period .
11 Hamas announced in mid-November that it had entered into a formal alliance with Iran which had promised to provide financial and political backing for " the war to liberate Palestine " .
12 The Oil Ministry announced on March 6 that damage assessment was under way and that it had embarked on a large-scale rehabilitation effort to restore buildings , pipelines and damaged reservoirs .
13 Essentially , this meant that it had to operate like a company , with a capital structure and a requirement to deliver a return on capital employed , but with the ownership wholly in the hands of the British Government .
14 Despite evident internal disagreements on the pace of economic reform , the government on May 14 announced that it had agreed on a programme of unified reforms to be implemented over the following months .
15 Or by a robin quite determinedly attacking a bundle of red feathers that it has mistaken as an invader to its territory while ignoring an adjacent and perfectly good-looking stuffed robin , but lacking the all-important red feather flash .
16 I intended this to be a letter , but I see that it has turned into a political commentary .
17 But the chances are it will still be there , and the evidence is that it has existed in a recognizable form throughout human history , everywhere in the world .
18 Well , remember that all this equality has only been achieved in one small part of the globe , and then mainly at the expense of the rest of the globe ; and that this inequality , once such a national feature , is now such an international feature that it has led to a bitterly destructive war between rich and poor nations ; and remember that that inequality is fed by an ever-hardening racial antagonism which enlightened men regard as the tragedy of our age . )
19 But these days , with space at a premium , a room kept solely for dining is rare ; the chances are that it has to double as a work room , say for hobbies like model making , or as a quiet place where the family can get on with homework , studying or other paperwork .
20 Maybe he represents the fact that youth rebellion has learnt its lesson , that it has returned in a stronger , more considered , more intelligent format .
21 But , despite the fact that it has capitalised on an unproven reputation ever since , it was not so much health which eventually transformed Brighton as royal patronage and high fashion in which the exercises of the spa served largely as a formal excuse for other , equally demanding , pleasures .
22 We saw earlier that the move to greater inequality in income had been so marked that it has triggered off a widening of other class differences ( detailed in Part I ) .
23 However , the most damning indictment of the Conservative government 's record in housing is that it has presided over a massive increase in homelessness .
24 I hope that the panel will feel that it has had as a result of the position statements before it , and the discussions over the last few days , sufficient information to decide whether to exclude certain sectors .
25 Perhaps the most remarkable achievement of OSO is not only that it has continued as a headquarters unit functioning from Glasgow for so long , but that it survived the Thatcher era as an interventionist wing of Government intended to nudge work in the direction of British industry .
26 It is not so , except perhaps in the most formal of speaking styles , where a sentence may fall to a low point in the voice and be followed by a substantial silence , and we know that it has come to an end .
27 Well I think that it 's gone on a long time and it 's not
28 You 've got , in fact , to work out what their proper significance is , but there 's no doubt that it 's seen as a kind of turning point , and although it was a Roman Catholic Council , its effect has been marked on all aspects of Christian life in Europe and , well , through the world .
29 There is a wish to see a move from residential care to home care and , and home help and community based care , but to see that it 's done in an orderly fashion which does n't destabilize the market that 's out there , and does n't put at risk the care of elderly people who are already using those existing homes .
30 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
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