Example sentences of "[conj] it have [vb pp] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Or by a robin quite determinedly attacking a bundle of red feathers that it has mistaken as an invader to its territory while ignoring an adjacent and perfectly good-looking stuffed robin , but lacking the all-important red feather flash .
2 But , despite the fact that it has capitalised on an unproven reputation ever since , it was not so much health which eventually transformed Brighton as royal patronage and high fashion in which the exercises of the spa served largely as a formal excuse for other , equally demanding , pleasures .
3 It is not so , except perhaps in the most formal of speaking styles , where a sentence may fall to a low point in the voice and be followed by a substantial silence , and we know that it has come to an end .
4 There is a wish to see a move from residential care to home care and , and home help and community based care , but to see that it 's done in an orderly fashion which does n't destabilize the market that 's out there , and does n't put at risk the care of elderly people who are already using those existing homes .
5 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
6 And it has resulted in an increase in business . ’
7 If the probe moves along a radius with , then For simplicity it can be imagined that the probe would have been be at rest if it had started at an infinite distance from the hole ; then the kinetic energy parameter T vanishes and the equation reduces further to where , as usual , .
8 If it 's inherited from an estate that of itself er attracts no tax , so there tax position would only be the income that they received from it would be subject to income tax and it would be added to their own assets so that when they die in due course then they 've inheritance payable there .
9 They have one reference point and just that , but if it 's related to an account then
10 It has caused me a great deal of work , but it has resulted in an extraordinary discovery , one that I hope may prove satisfactory to you all . ’
11 a certain part of I beg your pardon sorry I 'm getting my definitions wrong may be looking after something which the erm corporate locations are solely within the south but it 's handled by an corporate account .
12 Yes I know because it 's come from an old an old word an old .
13 Soldiers initially alleged that they fired at the car after it had driven through an army checkpoint and hit a soldier .
14 A censure motion introduced on Oct. 26 by the conservative opposition parties to protest against an " unrealistic " budget obtained only 261 of the 286 parliamentary votes necessary to defeat the government ; the Communist party abstained , rather than voting with the right as it had done in an earlier censure motion , in June 1992 [ see pp. 38977-78 ] .
15 probably made for his sweetheart , as it has engraved underneath an interlaced geometrical pattern inscribed ‘ Ann Porteman .
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