Example sentences of "[conj] it have [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Dedicated , in broad terms , to the regeneration of national pride and honour through strength — the notion that it had never perceptibly degenerated was overlooked — the CSA would specifically oppose the Nantucket Treaty root and branch , and demand its repudiation in Congress .
2 The UK phone company reports that it has also successfully tested wireless access to its messaging service via RAM Mobile Data 's national network .
3 Indeed , there is so much dissatisfaction with that union from within the prison service that another union , the Prison Service Union , is being set up and I understand that it has so far received 1,000 pledges from prospective members .
4 Gorbad Ironclaw was one of the most successful Orc leaders of all time : his campaign of destruction raged across the Empire and left the region of Solland so devastated that it has never fully recovered .
5 This may be viewed as an empiricist attitude but , according to William James , pragmatism represents empiricism ‘ both in a more radical and in a less objectionable form than it has ever yet assumed ’ .
6 Indeed , the whole issue of how and why employers ( and trade unions ) formulate policy towards the employment of older workers requires much more detailed investigation than it has so far received , and it is an area in which economic analysis may prove to be more fruitful than radical political theory .
7 Surely Somalia deserves more assistance from the international community than it has so far had ?
8 Embalming was rarely practised during the eighteenth century and it had almost entirely disappeared during the nineteenth century .
9 And it 's probably actually got an abscess in there , which is why it 's so swollen on the top , sides and at the bottom .
10 And the accumulation of capital has been internationalized by the internationalization of production : it has generated flows of direct investment as multinationals expand their enterprises in different countries and it has also indirectly generated flows of portfolio investment as the multinationals ' cash and financing needs have been channelled through the financial markets of the City , New York and Tokyo .
11 He said ‘ The RS/6000 is not big now in Hungary , and it has only recently come off the Comecon list .
12 According to a survey by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers , the rat population increased by 20 per cent in a single year , 1988–89 , and it has almost certainly rocketed since .
13 But whereas before he had seen Scouting as a gateway of opportunity to the big time , 20 years on , the movement seemed narrow and provincial somehow , more concerned with preserving an America that was fast slipping away , if it had ever truly existed , than with helping to shape the country 's youth to face an uncertain future .
14 His attention returns to literature ( if it had ever really left it ) and to the role of the self in relation to discursive contexts .
15 Well it was if it 's only just come through from the fryer
16 ‘ A little , ’ she admitted reluctantly , but it had only just begun to do so , and she suspected that the tension induced by his presence at the end of an unusually demanding day was more responsible than the bump .
17 Returning specifically to inner city matters , the urban programme now constitutes the major thrust of planning policy for environmental recovery , but it has long since over-ridden traditional procedures in schemes for housing and redevelopment .
18 But it has never really shown that it has any new ideas about where it should end up .
19 But it 's only just gone four o'clock ! ’
20 Mrs McMahon felt herself incapable of assisting Terry to dress because it had only just burst upon her that it was her daughter getting married and she would leave and never be seen again .
21 Remorseful Prober remembers whether it has just spontaneously defected , and whether the result was prompt retaliation .
22 The big boost came when the recombinant DNA programme in the States suddenly folded before it had ever really got going .
23 The closer they crept -both morning and belief — the more he regretted shunning the assassin when it had so plainly wanted his company .
24 The fingers on the clock of St Joseph 's church pointed to eight , though it had long since ceased to chime the hours .
25 The only freedom that the Government appear to understand is the freedom of the market even though it has so patently failed to deliver enough housing , child care or training .
26 Over the years this must have harmed his chest , as it had already badly discoloured his teeth .
27 We may well find that what we are saying comes to others as God 's word with prophetic power , as it has already so come to us .
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