Example sentences of "[conj] it be well [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
2 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
3 Mr. Langley on behalf of the Bank of England submitted that the basis of the injunction was the relationship of confidence subsisting between the Bank and its customer , and that it was well established that the duty of confidence was overridden by the duty to comply with the law , as shown by Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte Taylor ( No. 2 ) [ 1989 ] 3 All E.R.
4 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
5 Carlos Abadia , leader of the broad-based opposition movement National Civic Crusade ( NCC ) , claimed that it was well known that Ford wished to stand for the presidency in 1994 and that he wished to give up his ministerial post " to reduce the political pressure on him " .
6 I have a reputation for honesty and fair trading — and it 's well known that I do n't have any truck with shady deals , ’ she informed him bluntly .
7 Research shows that many debilitating diseases are often precipitated by stress , and it is well recognised that conditions like heart disease , gastric ulcers , mental illness , colitis , hypertension , skin disorders and several others have their origin in stressful situations .
8 And it is well known that , being required to prepare designs for a useless and costly object by one of our leading nobility , long since deceased , one of princely fortune , but who had an extravagant passion for building , he purposely appealed to the son to advise his father to give the intention ’ .
9 And it is well known that children who have been read to in their preschool years have a general advantage when the learning of reading begins .
10 2.35 In claims for the death of an infant child there is rarely any actual dependency but there might be prospective loss and it is well established that prospective loss is sufficient to found a claim by the parents .
11 The clinching argument that Mr Dixon made about informing his father of his literary success was that probably Hank would need help in investing discreetly the earnings of the book , and it was well known that Mr Stych was an astute businessman .
12 But it is well known that the provision of advice services nationally is uneven and as the best.known generalist advice agency , the CAB feels that it would be failing the wider community if it did not consider what barriers may be preventing people from approaching a CAB for advice .
13 It is questionable whether the spaying of cows was widely practised at that time , but it is well known that London dairymen were only interested in a continuous milk supply .
14 But it is well known that there is a prejudice against awarding the bigger gongs to those who have fled England : especially for Switzerland .
15 This comes as a great shock to me because it is well understood that anyone who does not like Erich Kleiber 's conducting must be a Nazi ! ’
16 If the system does not provide for supervision , then the health authority could be primarily liable because it is well established that doctors need to do their training on the job .
17 It is somewhat paradoxical that structural shift does not appear to have been a major factor in productivity growth after the war , because it is well known that structural imbalances contributed substantially to unemployment between the wars .
18 While it is well recognised that London has its own distinctive speech , characterised by features of accent and grammar in particular , there are surprisingly few " dialect " studies of London ( in contrast with , for example , areas more traditionally thought of as using " dialect " , such as Lancashire or Norfolk ) .
19 While it is well known that machair may extend as much as 2 km inland in South Uist , less well known is the altitude to which blown shell sand exerts an ecological influence : the dunes at Luskentyre Banks ( NG 0699 ) are up to 35 m high , while the presence of large amounts of wind-blown shell fragments is evident from the presence of charophytes in lochs on Tairaval ( NB 1135 ) ( Angus , unpublished NCC report ) and at Mangersta ( NB 0131 ) ( Biagi et al 1985 ) , both sites being more than 50 m above sea level .
20 But then Mrs Lawler came from a ‘ good ’ background , while it was well known that Lawler was an entirely self-made man .
21 Finally , for the literary reader it should be noted that claims to have penetrated the meaning of the Jubilate in no way contradict the conclusion that its form is essentially ‘ psychotic ’ , since it is well accepted that , with effort , the sense in schizophrenic language can be discerned ( see Forrest for a discussion of this point ) .
22 It may also be noted that if this method is employed then the first number chosen should be by random means rather than just ‘ saying a number between 1 and 10 ’ since it is well known that choices between these limits do not come out anything like randomly — the number 7 being particularly popular .
23 For example , I wonder why there are no English-speaking contributors to the Panofsky centenary conference , even though it is well known that this approach was most fully developed in the English-speaking world .
24 The patient is admitted to one of these units in order to allow the carer the freedom to go away on holiday , as it is well recognized that carers need a proper break at intervals , so you should not feel guilty about taking advantage of the opportunity .
25 I suggest that the general public also regard statements about animal tested products with caution , as it is well known that many of these products have had extremely adverse effects on human beings .
26 The last category is anyone under the influence of alcohol , as it is well known that the mental faculties of such people are often impaired , even if only temporarily .
27 This date is too late for the birth of Jesus as it is well known that Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great , who died in 4 BC .
28 Most commonly , mura-muras are asked to send rain , for it is well known that if one is offended he will hold up a huge bark dish to the heavens and catch all the rain on its way to earth , out of spite .
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