Example sentences of "[conj] it be good for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not really because it seems to do any good but just because the thinking is that it 's better for him than other commercial products , ’ says Kathleen .
2 I think we 're all agreed that it 's better for us to die honourably together in this way than to risk a worse fate at the hands of the enemy . "
3 However , I would add that it is best for you to experiment with your paper stretching technique .
4 In the fourth Gospel Jesus tells his followers , heart-broken because he is going to leave them , that it is better for them that he should do so :
5 They do it so rarely that it is good for them .
6 Do n't buy a hard bed in the mistaken belief that it is good for you .
7 The common-sense view of sleep is that it is good for you , providing an opportunity for recovery from fatigue , is essential for growth , and crucial in cure from illness .
8 Harriet Tremayne , her mother , had been strongly against this , but Tom , her husband , a charming , indolent and indulgent man , had argued , with a certain degree of logic , that ‘ the girl had to do some kind of war work ’ and that it was better for her ‘ to do something she had set her heart on ’ .
9 Eileen 's commanding officer took them to a room and gave them tea , and tried to explain to them that it was better for her to remain .
10 He drove them to the station and they returned , sad for their sister and still not convinced that it was better for her not to come home .
11 She had thought long and hard before deciding that it was best for him to hear it from her rather than risk it reaching him through the more sensational tabloids , but she had braced herself for an outburst of shock , anger , even disgust .
12 I need , at the moment in terms of corrective action on quiffs , I am sending quiffs out to procedure owners , and I need to know whether suggestive procedure changes or not , and it 's better for me if it is out in that order then I can go through and mark the quiffs off as being erm the changes or not .
13 She says it 's ages since she 's done any exercise , and it 's good for her .
14 She 's OK ’ with Mrs Lennox and it 's good for her to get away from me for a bit just now and again .
15 But we 've got a young side at Cardiff now and it 's good for them to play against these players , to see that they 're only human beings after all . ’
16 And it 's good for us to recognise and to be aware and to realize , that in a day when we are so often just numbers , that as individuals we matter to God .
17 Well if it 's better for you I should .
18 Although I hated the very idea of selling things to people who might not want to buy them ( even if it was good for them ) I made quite a few sales , the main commission deriving from the sale of a Group Insurance Scheme to 32 men from the Times-Herald staff .
19 The experience of tragic art confirms that the relation of pleasure and awareness is two-way ; if a welcoming of the sharpest awareness of things from which we most deeply recoil , without any reservations of the sort of ‘ This hurts but it is good for me ’ , can make even the fate of Lear or Oedipus enjoyable , it would seem that there can be no involuntary quickening of awareness without joy .
20 Commitment to sport has to be freely given ; it has to be fun ; it can not be foisted on to the poor or the wayward from above because it is good for them .
21 The daily ritual of meal-times , for example , may often contain a wealth of deliberately and non-deliberately imparted information for the child , in part confirming his status as a child ( children should be seen and not heard , children should finish their cabbage because it is good for them ) , in part defining the stages of growing up ( older children sit on ‘ proper ’ chairs , drink out of ‘ proper ’ cups , and use knives and forks ) , and in part defining and reinforcing certain adult identities ( father carves the joint , mother brings food from the stove ) .
22 Save the rainforest because it is good for us .
23 Her guides would have lemon squash because it was better for them and less expensive .
24 It 's not my family you know , ’ because it was better for her to stop .
25 His tobacco had a richly herbal smell , as though it was good for you .
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