Example sentences of "[conj] it do not [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 This ant does not sting and can not live away from its hosts ; although it does not bring in nutrients , it protects the host from herbivore and liane damage .
2 Although it does not show up in the analyses , content surely also became more international , in source of origin , if not always in substance .
3 Although it did not rule out a return to multiparty politics per se , the PNDC argued that in the past this had only bred " hatred , division and bloodshed " .
4 From the fact that a mental process does not appear in introspection one can not infer that it does not go on at non-conscious levels of the mind .
5 A moire fringe unit monitors the horizontal azimuth of the beam as it sweeps so that it does not go out of alignment .
6 While Poulantzas allows that the sort of research designed to sustain this view has some limited use 's he first of all objects that it does not bear out the factual claim that government officials and leading capitalists belong to an identifiable group .
7 If it is true , I repeat that it does not square up with the Government 's protestations about their concern for safety .
8 Britain should therefore not hesitate to use whatever powers and diplomatic skills she possesses to ensure that it does not come about .
9 A pity , say analysts , that it did not come off : America 's biggest-ever bank merger could have led to a barrelful of such deals — and not before time .
10 Provided sado-masochism limits itself to practices between consenting partners ( and provided it does not get out of hand ) and affects no one else , it is doubtful whether remedial measures are necessary or justifiable .
11 Holden was missing for 18 minutes and Reid admitted : ‘ We took a calculated gamble by not replacing Rick — and it did not come off . ’
12 The Prime Minister has again defended the Maastricht Treaty warning that Britain faces isolation in Europe if it does not go through .
13 If it does not show up well enough as the screen dump replace with the following text :
14 If it does not kill off the golden goose , it will certainly let it starve to death through neglect .
15 If it did not spring out of contract it must , I apprehend , have arisen ( if at all ) from the relative situation and circumstances of the defendants and plaintiff at the time of the occurrence of the act of negligence .
16 In fact it 's the best offer I 've ever had , and in any case I always knew I could go back to Wakefield if it did not work out .
17 May I also say that the Department 's concern would be taken more seriously if it did not take over three months to get replies from the Secretary of State to hon. Members who draw his attention to accusations that have been made in relation to what goes on in Castlereagh ?
18 A Department of Agriculture might function more effectively for agriculture if it did not take on , unnecessarily and confusingly , a role in food marketing .
19 Pornographic eroticism , I will argue , is , therefore , to be condemned , but it does not function in quite the way some feminists have argued that it does .
20 The theme of the fourth sentence , Some creators , relates to Rimbaud only indirectly on the basis that poets are some sort of creators , but it does not link in with the theme or rheme of the previous sentence .
21 Describing the American feature film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to which he awarded a certificate , as a challenging religious film he said that acontroversial scene : ‘ It indicated that Christ had sex , but it did not go on for 14 minutes . ’
22 Ortega 's defeat crushed a lot of left-wing supporters around the world , but it did not set back Gould , who immediately plunged himself into a new project .
23 But it did not rule out taking milk from Milk Marque , the proposed replacement for the English and Welsh Milk Marketing Board , or from other co-operatives .
24 I made a few suggestions , creating chances , scoring goals , but it did not get through .
25 The situation could have been embarrassing when Corinne took over — but it did not turn out that way .
26 Jones gave the impression that he intended to write a paper which was going to be on the Mount Mauna Loa business with a bit on the neutron spectrum but it did not turn out that way at all .
27 ‘ No stock-taking ’ policies are adopted partly because of staffing shortages , but also on the premise that stock-taking is a waste of time because it does not bring back the missing books , and any item which is really important will be requested on reservation ( though a central reservation system , if employed , may mean that missing titles go unnoticed ) .
28 There was no legislation to enforce the use of the safety lamp and many miners did not like it because it did not give out as much light as a candle .
29 He talked of becoming party leader ‘ for life ’ , and when it did not come off , he sacked the Prime Minister , Mr Ion Gheorghe Maurer , after 14 years in the job .
30 I find that the full needle welt is kinder to the mature figure ( like mine ) when it is to be followed by a tuck stitch fabric as it does not pull in so quite much as the 2x1 rib .
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