Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adj] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 My Executive is of the opinion that it is essential both for winning and retaining Parliamentary seats that special attention should be given to the whole subject … .
2 Initially , a sleeve sensor was adapted for this purpose in adults and we have now developed the UOS sleeve sensor so that it is small enough for use in children .
3 A big advantage of using a medium-speed film such as APE 100 is that it is fast enough for hand-held camera use but not so fast that on bright days creativity is limited by the necessary use of a small apertures or high shutter speed .
4 No because the the point I 'm trying to make is that it is unrealistic surely for the leader of the party to say to his MPs who are n't delegates after all , but who represent the interests of their constituencies , Shut up , come to me privately if you have any concerns .
5 However , such beef is lean as the animals are fed on grass rather than grain , so that it is fit only for the fast-food trade , one third of this meat goes into hamburgers .
6 Gedge went on to regret persuading the rest of the band that it was good enough for release as a single .
7 I found the sack very comfortable considering the simplicity of the back system and was pleased to find that it was long enough for me to use the waist belt properly .
8 Things on a landfill site happen very quickly and it 's vital both for safety reasons and for effective management control to have immediate knowledge of what 's happening beneath the ground .
9 It 's known as the Vadinamian Valve , and it 's big enough for only one ship to pass through at a time .
10 Anyone who is reasonably skilful can knock up a mounting without difficulty , and it is possible even for someone who is as clumsy as I am .
11 This is the profound hope and certainty , that there are ways for every type of intellect and it is necessary only for each one to find the method that suits him .
12 But on this trip Gooch has not even had that pleasure and it is imperative now for England 's chances of winning back the Ashes from Australia this summer that their weary 39-year-old captain quickly recovers in health and spirit when he returns home on Saturday week .
13 And it was early enough for Britain 's arms makers to refer to it in their autumn armaments promotions .
14 The iambic was Pope 's mainstay and it was good enough for her .
15 The point to make here is that if it is good enough for the courts to judge a publication as a whole then it would be perverse of a librarian to do otherwise in book selection .
16 That decision was passed unanimously and if it is good enough for us it should be good enough for the Tories .
17 If it is warm enough for the patient to sit in the garden , he may enjoy just watching all the garden life .
18 I thought , ‘ Well , if it 's good enough for him , it 's OK for me . ’
19 If it 's good enough for CB , it 's good enough for us !
20 And i from a technical point of view I would support my case by saying that if OPCAS use it , it 's good enough for us if it 's good enough for OPCAS .
21 If it 's good enough for my mates , why should n't it be good enough for me ? ’
22 Elsie joined me on the river bank and asked if it was hot enough for me .
23 If it was good enough for the Apostle Paul/Disraeli it 's good enough for me ’ at one end .
24 If it was good enough for Marco Polo , it 's good enough for me . ’
25 Jesu , if it was good enough for God , what have you got to carp about ?
26 The car is travelling at about 100 mph on the straights and braking hard before corners ; but it is stable enough for me to make notes and so quiet in the leather and teak-lined cabin that we can easily hear each other through out helmets .
27 But it is exciting too for another reason .
28 But it is valid also for the lexical domain .
29 Not fast , but it 's fast enough for that sort of distance between each oth
30 ‘ Both races hope for prosperity , prosperity means expansion , expansion means immigration , immigration means British ’ ; the syllogism was false , in logic and experience , but it was good enough for those who did not want to go where logic and experience pointed .
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