Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adv] [adj] know " in BNC.

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1 Although it 's always difficult to know whether such a survey is representative of all staff involved in National Certificate delivery , nevertheless the EIS survey does represent the views of a substantial number of lecturers , ’ he said .
2 This means that it is not necessary to know the total number of items in advance , because each item is a separately allocated piece of memory .
3 One very important fact to establish at the outset , therefore , is that it is not necessary to know why a particular fear or problem started in order to overcome it .
4 We are a nation of voluntary workers and there are so many organisations that it is sometimes difficult to know which to choose to help .
5 The receipt of such a bonus has an effect far outside the regular annual rise , which again in the case of ICI is a matter of such Byzantine complexity that it is often difficult to know whether one is getting a good or a bad one !
6 Undoubtedly , some of you will be , but there must be one or two people who are actually dreading Christmas er bearing in mind that they 've had to ask somebody whom they do n't really want in their house , or perhaps that person or people have asked themselves , and it 's very difficult to know how to refuse is n't it really ?
7 And it 's really good to know that there are so many applications in the , in the real world , medical and physical and , and otherwise .
8 Clearly this gives the axial spin rate if the radius of the planet is known , and it is also necessary to know the axial orientation of the planet with respect to the Earth .
9 And it is not easy to know how far Kapuscinski 's book is a book about a bygone Ethiopia .
10 Other puzzlements arise at the table , and it is as well to know them .
11 ‘ Although he is involved in the redevelopment of mills from a business point of view , he has a deep historical commitment and it is very pleasing to know that this stems from his undergraduate years at Nottingham . ’
12 They can be irritatingly slow to publish , and it is often difficult to know how they spend their time .
13 The Ambassador gave a diagonal nod of the head , as if it were slightly impertinent to know more than he did about local matters .
14 Inspection of Tei and Owen 's Tables I and 3 reveals that the laterality effect was greater for " same " trials but it is theoretically important to know whether there was any significant interaction between stimulus type and visual hemifield .
15 But it is also necessary to know music-making from the orchestra 's point of view .
16 We can know how things are in front of our noses , maybe , but it is not possible to know that an altruistic act is morally good , nor that God exists , nor that you will have eggs for breakfast tomorrow .
17 True , but it is nonetheless essential to know the basics before applying them to ‘ straight-lining ’ .
18 Many English fans even regard West Indian cricket as boring , but it is more impossible to know , as defeat follows defeat follows defeat , to what extent this is an objective judgement or to what extent it is just sour grapes .
19 North Yorkshire offers excellent possibilities for challenging walking but it 's also good to know that there 's plenty to do close at hand when the weather turns moorland expeditions into exercises in masochism .
20 But it 's very reassuring to know I am in safe hands here , ’ says Ken .
21 ‘ Well , folks , we may not have heard our favourite songbird sing for the last couple of weeks , but it 's certainly nice to know our very own Rory can still put on one hell of a floorshow ! ’
22 What she saw was a ruddy face not associated with the effects of the sun , but it was still difficult to know whether to be flattered or annoyed .
23 It is also worth mentioning three sets of existing attitudes which have to be overcome because it is always wise to know what you are up against .
24 While it 's always nice to know a pony 's background , you can have just as much fun with a Heinz 57 .
25 While it 's always good to know the odd tuba player ( and let's face it , most of them are ) , Chase unfortunately was a fanatic , believing that there had been no good jazz since the King Oliver band .
26 This is a matter of considerable importance , since it is clearly desirable to know as much as possible about the conditions within the nuee ardente .
27 ‘ The truth in question is hidden , lying concealed beneath appearances ; we must then inquire , since its nature is not open to us , whether it is still possible to know it through some sign and whether we have a criterion by which we may recognize the sign and judge what the thing truly is . ’
28 Back in the bad old days of the ‘ tripartite system ’ and the 11-plus , when it was more acceptable to know your place , and upward mobility was not such an unquestionably good idea , life was easier and less personal for teachers because to a much greater extent their values were stably enshrined in the organization and structures of the schools for which they worked .
29 ( Beware of those therapists who seek to charge you for a complete course of treatment at the very beginning , as it is almost impossible to know how well each individual will respond and therefore how many sessions will be needed . )
30 Now it 's almost hour by hour as it 's very difficult to know what morphine dose Ruth should be on .
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