Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The two cardinals were so loudly applauded that it was clear they represented the wishes of the majority .
2 These patients may be at or below their ideal bodyweight so it is important they do not lose more weight .
3 ‘ This was a very slow-developing fire , with very little fire damage but immense amounts of smoke , and it 's probable they died of asphyxiation . ’
4 You know they joined it right at the beginning , they , they 're the ones where the momentum 's come from erm they 're the ones asking the rich peasants to join them , the middle peasants and they 're the ones leading the revolution , th they are the riff-raff if you , you know , want to take one view erm they have n't got anything to lose because of their position er er er er as erm a rich peasant may say , you know , what is there to keep me from joining yo you people have neither tile over your heads nor speck of land under your feet , and it 's true they have got nothing to lose but these are the ones that are pushing the ideas forward and forming the associations .
5 And it 's funny they came together and she , she pushed
6 ‘ They say every man has his double and it is conceivable they made a mistake , ’ he said .
7 If it is dry they evolve leathery or waxy waterproof skins to conserve what little water there is .
8 Forty two packs of six by five litres , you go across , you take a a sample out of a bag and if it 's low it 's okay , if it 's high they scrap the pallet .
9 The East Germans have enough to think about without troubling themselves about tennis , but it is odd they do not have a single international player of note , bearing in mind the success of Czechoslovakia and the involvement of other Eastern bloc countries .
10 These fish exclusively inhabit the very top layer of the aquarium , they will take the usual food but it is important they receive some freeze-dried or frozen tubifex or bloodworm .
11 At the moment they are prepared to work with the political parties in keeping up the momentum December generated , but it 's clear they intend to progress with their agenda whether or not the formal politicians continue to drag their feet .
12 But it 's clear they have a common bond .
13 Crusaders made all the running , but it was surprising they did n't score more goals and improve their goal difference .
14 It was a feeble retaliation , but it was all they had .
15 Workers leaving the site tonight seemed reluctant to say anything , but it was obvious they 'd been told something … and it was n't good news .
16 I call them Billies regardless of sex , using an amiable tone of voice since it is important they do not become involved in or suffer any hostility of any sort .
17 When it was fine the host and his guests went riding , visited places of interest , and walked in the gardens , and when it was wet they played games indoors .
18 That confrontation was none of Sharpe 's business ; his concern was with the two horsemen who now faced him in the wood.They glanced past Sharpe , judging how best to rejoin their comrades , though it was clear they wanted Sharpe 's life first .
19 Well they they just went out and and cut the round about you see even though it was damp they cut it though it was wet ,
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