Example sentences of "[conj] it be [verb] that you " in BNC.

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1 But receptivity to new ideas is best achieved in organizations which have mutuality of trust where it is known that you will not be too harshly blamed for mistakes .
2 He was so quick to forgive personal insults and injuries that it was said that you only had to injure him in order to have him as a friend for life .
3 Like most LIFESPAN activities , CREFDL will inform you of its progress as it works , so it is recommended that you run it from a hard copy terminal , or log the session to a file .
4 ( So it is recommended that you get into the habit of running VALIDATE at least as frequently as your tape re-use cycle ! )
5 However , if you receive a groin kick and it is discovered that you are not wearing a guard , then you will automatically be disqualified , regardless of whose fault the low kick was !
6 This is partly because fishing rights erm were written in erm to the , to the European Community system erm as part of in a sense the agricultural policy , erm because they were regarded as part of food policy , and it was thought that you must have , if you 're going to have a common agricultural policy , and that was one of the important points erm of the negotiations for setting up the European Community , then a common fisheries policy went alongside with that .
7 If it is suggested that you are not sufficiently flexible to adapt to the reshaped structure that is envisaged , you may be able to challenge that view if your past record shows a steady upward progression and if you have carried out a wide range of tasks without serious mishaps .
8 If your employer agrees to your early departure , you will still be regarded as dismissed in law if the agreement is simply , in effect , to bring forward your dismissal date or if it is agreed that you need not actually work during the remainder of your notice period .
9 You see , sir , if it 's known that you and she — well , the way things are — I would n't get other decent lodgers to come here , not after you 'd left .
10 From here you can choose either peak as your first , complete the ridge and return to the same point at the river , but it 's recommended that you traverse east to west taking in Sgurr Thuilm as Munro number one .
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