Example sentences of "[conj] with [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the resistance to the dependence thesis comes from confusing it with a claim about what authorities do in fact , or with the view that requires authorities to act only in the interests of their subjects .
2 My tip is to go for really good quality ski pants in black with braces and team that with a jacket that suits your style .
3 Old Red acknowledged that with a nod and walked on into the corridor .
4 And I believe that with the privileges that come to those who benefit most from the capitalist system there are obligations , and so the combination of that latter thought makes me want to do something about the inner cities , plus a revulsion at waste and hopelessness and dereliction and concern which is self-evident in some of these older towns and cities .
5 It was as though someone had turned on a current of electricity , and with every second that passed the image became brighter and stronger .
6 It had reservations about a proposal from Crewe and Alsager , and in the case of the Berkshire College recognized that the proposed DipHE linked with a BEd proposal undergoing revisions for a 1974 start , and with a BA that had not yet been submitted .
7 How about a restaurant set in the vaults of a medieval monastery , lit by candles and with a menu that owes its variety to the best raw material found around the world ?
8 In very recent years holy war has been fought between Iran and Iraq , and with a ruthlessness that has at times , with the use of chemical weapons for example , offended international codes of conduct .
9 She felt him tense , then he was tipping up her face and kissing her very slowly and with a thoroughness that left her head reeling .
10 He longed then , suddenly , and with a passion that had been suppressed so long that it took him by surprise , for someone to share all this with .
11 Training to be a teacher and with a wisdom that belied her years , she explained that it was her half-brother who was now living in Mainz and had suggested that Erich ( the Dusseldorfer ) travel down to Tonga to look for a wife .
12 He worked deftly , and with a gentleness that surprised her , bathed the wound with infinite care , smoothing on the antiseptic cream , aware surely , as much as Robyn , of the tension between them .
13 Then he turned to Shelley , and with a gesture that touched and surprised her by its gentleness , he put up his hand to her cheek .
14 If their babies are to thrive , they must have a cave that is warm , humid and with a temperature that varies hardly at all between day and night .
15 Additionally , Ramsay has stressed the need for care in choice of wall , hedge or fence material and with the size and sitting of seats .
16 This is consistent with anatomical evidence of microvascular occlusion and with the hypothesis that reduced tissue perfusion is a contributory factor in the pathogenesis of Crohn 's disease , although proof of a cause/effect relationship remains a difficult task .
17 And with the wine that brings it up to about eight pounds .
18 Essentially , discipline is about ‘ steering ’ the child through the shallows and rapids of life , by example and guidance , and with the encouragement that fosters growth and development .
19 When looking through windows for evidence it is often the case that the researcher only sees those types of evidence with a significance that has previously been established , and with an association that complies with existing models .
20 While still in his teens , and with an audacity that marked his whole career , he made himself known to the officers conducting the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain , who recommended him to an MP for county Mayo , Ireland , as capable of providing the Mayo grand jury with an accurate county map .
21 She repeated , with a fair imitation of my voice , but with a smile that robbed the echo of any sting of impertinence : ‘ Whatever happens , you must go on writing . ’ ’
22 Users often approach information sources not with names ( as have been considered in Part II ) , but with a question that requires an answer or a topic for study .
23 Ward said it very quietly this time , but with an emphasis that made it sound like a threat .
24 He was handed a microphone , but with an irony that summarised Labour 's plight , it failed to work .
25 Often enough , restrictions are imposed in terrorem so as to discourage the more blatant activities of the outgoing partner but with the realisation that to hold him to the letter of the restraint might well be impracticable .
26 She meant what she 'd said and she intended to keep her promise — but how would she survive another two weeks of living in such close proximity to Guido , when with every moment that passed her hopeless love for him grew deeper ?
27 As with every theory that seems at first to have an obvious answer to every problem , the beautifully simple picture is becoming smudged , the two obvious large plates of Africa and Europe are being confused by the " microplates " of the eastern Mediterranean .
28 Again , as with the sit and stay command , you can gradually back away , leaving the dog lying on the ground .
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