Example sentences of "[conj] you do [verb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Despite this , Nozick 's account can be used to show that you do know that you are currently sitting reading a philosophy book ( please sit down first ) .
2 And until you do understand that you 're just going to get into more and more trouble . ’
3 If you do decide that you would gain from having a proper appraisal system then start with a simple approach and stick closely to it .
4 If you do find that you have recorded an unsatisfactory shot , cut your losses there and then by reversing back to the beginning so that you can over-record with something better before continuing with the rest of the shoot .
5 If you do suspect that your child is involved in anything undesirable , whether it 's alcohol , drugs or solvent abuse — get help immediately !
6 If you do suspect that your dog does bark excessively in certain situations , while waiting in the car for example , it may be worthwhile speaking with your vet .
7 There has to be a strategic theme particularly in counties such as North Yorkshire which is predominantly rural , it is a major area of planning control , fully merits strategic control and that strategic control must be applied or if it if it is to be applied in the structure plan if you do agree that there should be a Policy E two , then the control of development must be applied consistently over the districts .
8 But you do realise that you 'll be doing it the hard way ?
9 ‘ You may not know who , but you do know that someone is creating — unauthorized , shall we say — zombis , do n't you ? ’
10 I do not write to you because you do not know the truth but because you do know that it and because no lie comes from that truth .
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