Example sentences of "[conj] you have n't [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , that 's as may be , lad , although you have n't tackled masturbation yet , not properly at any rate . ’
2 It 's where you get the interest on interest throughout the years and would otherwise pay tax on that interest and do n't and the amount that you have n't paid stays in and gets the compounding the same as the interest .
3 You ca n't pretend that you have n't got desires and needs .
4 Where the skill comes really is when you get a large number of aircraft , and it 's using your aircraft the most efficient way you can in the shortest possible time , so you have n't got people hanging around wasting good fuel , you want them ideally plugged in and taking fuel .
5 We 've gone five hours and you have n't mentioned JFK or Lee Harvey Oswald once ! ’
6 Even if you have n't seen Mr Spielberg 's latest offering yet , it 's probably remarkably familiar already .
7 Eliot , " the first , longest and best " classical detective story , Wilkie Collins ' The Moonstone ( Read it if you have n't done so. ) managed very well with no more than the theft of a diamond .
8 if you have n't sensed sorrow you ca n't really sense joy to its .
9 And if you have n't made arrangements about your dinner after Christmas , would you please do that now .
10 The great thing is if you 've got faith in the stuff if you have n't got faith , you need n't bother with it .
11 But if you have n't got roses in your garden , it 's not too late to plant now .
12 I mean , well if you have n't got gauze in your first aid box , but you could have something like a Mediwipe or you might be able to use , open up your bandage and you can use , you know , several pieces of this , just keep going down the bandage and then you know clean it and get rid of that bit , okay , another clean bit okay , so you can adapt with whatever you 've got in your first aid box , yes , and you wo n't necessarily have scissors to hand so you 'll have to do whatever you 've got and the little Mediwipes are very useful for that , but do n't use one Mediwipe for seventy five grazes , okay , one Mediwipe for one wipe and then discard , okay ?
13 If you have n't got food , do n't hassle me , man , ’ he seemed to say , in true Bajan dialect .
14 You can indeed Daphne , so there you are Rosemary do plant some shrub roses and even if you have n't got room for all of our suggestions I hope you 'll find room for two or three of them .
15 Very useful thing for your second page if you have n't got room at the bottom of the first page is , editor 's notes .
16 Erm If you have n't got graph paper , erm pick a bit of s squared paper
17 If you have n't got time to sunbathe , Coppertone 's Sudden Tan could be the answer .
18 Lunchtime , you know go to their study , supper time they come here , after nine o'clock if you have n't got Romeo and Juliet then you go down there , you know what I mean ?
19 A second factor motivating people again it 's the demographic situation , the fact that if you have n't got children , you 're free to do what you want .
20 It matters much more if you have n't got children you 're talking about brothers and sisters and all their children .
21 For burglary if you have n't got locks on
22 If you have n't tried pineapple maggot for bream that is then you really should !
23 If you have n't tried macramé , there are lots of ‘ How to ’ books at your local library .
24 Older boys think there 's something wrong with you if you have n't had sex
25 And if you have n't told people it may get
26 but you still have to take care in case somebody says well I 've just done fractions two , and you say but you have n't done fractions
27 Because you have n't managed quality .
28 I did the erm it 's a bit tricky to describe where with the active areas because you have n't got room
29 A freezer well stocked with little bags , each containing a prepared calorie-counted and fibre-counted meal , provides excellent protection against temptation to break your diet simply because you have n't had time to shop for the right foods .
30 So yes , it 's one to forty ca n't be one to forty five because you have n't had tea well if you had tea you could say you were fortified
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