Example sentences of "[conj] you have not [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then another command : ‘ Do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him ; for now I know that you fear God , seeing you have not withheld your son , your only son , from me . ’
2 ‘ It frightened me that you had not told me .
3 But I needed to be sure that you had not forgotten your homesite .
4 ‘ You 're saying that you 've not seen him since I half carried him out of your place early yesterday ? ’
5 ‘ I can only express the hope that you 've not endangered your niece 's life by such behaviour . ’
6 If you change course later on in the essay , it will be obvious that you do not know where you are going or that you have not planned your essay with enough care .
7 Upon checking our records , we were disappointed to note that you have not renewed your standing entry that finished on 2nd June 1990 .
8 You should check that you have not exceeded your disk quota .
9 So you have not abused your position by searching our belongings ? ’
10 Or if you 're frightened or if you 're very anxious , if you 're gon na do something important and you 've not done it before and you get a bit anxious , you can use the ylang-ylang which is the Oil of Tranquillity .
11 And you 've not seen her since ? ’
12 And you 've not had your throat cut yet , ’ growled Michael .
13 And you have not removed your cap , I suppose , and displayed your whorish tresses that the men might be dazzled ! ’
14 If you had not lost him at cards , would he have got into prison ?
15 If you had not confessed I think I would have beaten it out of you . ’
16 Or would have appeared if you had not crossed it out .
17 I could not have poisoned the bread , my lord Niccolò , if you had not introduced it , against explicit orders .
18 They form , as it were , a heavy launching-pad from which your rocket will fly higher than if you had not known them .
19 If you had not known who O was you might have thought that Madame was planning a seduction , or wondering whether he was a suitable candidate for a job — her new barman or doorman .
20 You gave me to understand that even if you had not had your accident you would almost certainly not have come to France to see him at the end . ’
21 ‘ This never would have happened if you had not deserted your post ! ’ he snapped sharply .
22 You have been to a tournament and an auto-da-fé already , and if you had not embarrassed my son by fainting at the latter event you would have been presented to King Sebastian himself . "
23 The second ( 2.5.4 ) may even surprise and delight you if you 've not seen it before .
24 Yes keep working while I just explain that if you 've not had it before .
25 You ca n't right doping if you 've not got everything right .
26 working on the stage musicals then were n't er if you 'd not had your tea and you brought something the commissar would eat them .
27 These will be offered to you when you first register with a doctor or if you have not seen your doctor for some time .
28 If you have not seen our new brochure and are interested , we have some copies available .
29 If you have not received your invitation please be in touch with the Warden 's Secretary by post or telephone 0602 484848 extension 2769 .
30 The bonus is combined with your normal pension payment for the first week in December , so if you have not received it by the end of that month ask at your local Social Security office .
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