Example sentences of "[conj] i know [pron] 's [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
2 I suppose I am plump — according to the ‘ Height and Weight ’ charts I am on the heavy side of OK , but my weight has stayed the same since I was fourteen , so I know it 's not true that I 'm overeating , or greedy .
3 And I know there 's still Petula , but could n't you explain to her — ’
4 He is n't home yet and nor is your precious Maria Luisa , and for all you and I know it 's already too late ! ’
5 Actually , I sent Felicity to Summerhill because I saw this awfully exciting film called The Alamo , starring John Wayne , whom I adore , and he makes this absolutely glorious speech in it which goes ‘ Freedom , I like the sound of the word ’ , actually it 's ‘ Republic ’ he says , I know that because it was on the television last week , but I 've always heard it as ‘ Freedom ’ and I read that A S O'Neill positively breathed Freedom , as indeed do all the Irish , I find , and one has to have pots of money to go there , which gives one — what 's the word ? — sachet , which you do absolutely need to get into Society these days , and Felicity ( her name means Freedom , too , from the Latin , you know ) was frightfully keen to go , and does n't the name simply drip June in , say , the Cotswolds , and Felicity says there are teachers there with nothing to do at all , so you can tell the staff must be tip-top — I mean , what luxury ! spare staff ! — and Felicity 's always been such a tearaway and I know it 's jolly hard but I do think one needs Discipline to get one 's Freedom , I 've always had it , and Republics too , and now I gather she 's been on television , and Felicity was absolutely swearing by the school or something , Angela says , and where is it — somewhere pretty — she goes by train …
6 and I know it 's not erm your business to be doing tee markers
7 And I know it 's not , not saying there 's anything wrong with it , just had n't got round to writing it .
8 have a couple of trays , and I know it 's so easy
9 And I know it 's very easy for me to stand here and say you know try to keep calm and polite and reasonable .
10 I 'll soon be eight … well , not till December and I know it 's only summer , but I 'll be eight in December , wo n't I ? ’
11 Erm and I sli I yo pulled me up to one corner and I know it 's really nasty
12 and I know it 's too close but I 'm still getting a good wash .
13 I know that girl , know her as only a mother can , and I know she 's not well .
14 ‘ I do n't really want to imagine what they were like but I know it 's not an intense thing for him to do like Platoon was .
15 But I know it 's not true . ’
16 For a moment I wonder if he 's set all this up to sharpen our reactions and test us out , but I know it 's not that .
17 ‘ I 'd like to take you to bed now , but I know it 's out of the question after all I 've said .
18 But I know it 's totally untrue because none of my sisters or my mother would ever call me Harry again .
19 Well , I ca n't promise anything , but I know she 's awfully keen on … men . ’
20 " Jenny has n't told me , " Sara said after a moment , " but I know she 's very fond of him . "
21 He ca n't remember who he is , but I know he 's here somewhere .
22 He still maintains that he believes this , and makes a great show of sending off a manuscript to publishers down in London , trying to get them to publish a book expounding this view , but I know he 's just mischief-making again , and gets most of his pleasure from his acts of stunned disbelief and then righteous indignation when the manuscript is eventually returned .
23 ‘ Well , yes — I ca n't leave him unless I know he 's all right . ’
24 And that 's frustrating for you and it 's equally frustrating for me because I know there 's absolutely nothing I can do
25 As far as I know it 's not putting in any money at all .
26 I laugh at first , and then look away , because though I know she 's only kidding , it is sexy just the same .
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