Example sentences of "[conj] i be [verb] [prep] what " in BNC.

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1 It would not be whimsical to suggest that I still go to Arsenal now because of what Swindon did to me then : like a gambler who keeps playing because it is the only way to win back what he has lost , I still feel , somewhere in me , that I am owed for what Ian Ure and Jon Sammels and Bobby Gould put me through that afternoon .
2 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
3 After all , one of the reasons that I 'm doing this job is that I 'm plugged into what 's going on out there .
4 The hon. Gentleman makes a fair point , which is not very different from the point that I was making about what the governor of Brixton prison knew several months before those IRA terrorists broke out .
5 And of course , when this all happened , and I 'm listening to what people are saying tonight , it 's it 's sort of making me feel a bit sick what they 're saying .
6 I was always terribly shy and I was sent to what were known as elocution lessons — to get me out of myself .
7 I know the mental health on th on the health service side are facing the same problems and I was wondering to what extent the director had been talking to the District Health Authority on , on those lines .
8 Cos I 'm doing about what , about three hundred fi three hundred fifty miles a week just going to work and back
9 But I 'm wondering at what cost .
10 The words probably , likely and unlikely litter the text , even when I am talking about what is widely regarded as fact .
11 When I 'm asked with what should you drink whisky I always say with moderation .
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