Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [coord] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We parked near the boathouse on the west shore , a ruined , mud-filled RAF building , where I pushed and heaved my three companions afloat , waving a cheerful farewell .
2 Now in the lock museum I 've taken some locks th that I collected and took them over there they used to do speed locks butted locks sidecar locks er then , as the motor trade changed from all wood frames to metal frames , other types of locks , I took there but this is what is amazing me , they , at the lock museum they highlight all the Willinghall locks which are the padlocks , which are locks er wardrobe locks , cabinet locks and all the smaller type of locks but there was the biggest industry , I mean Walsall locks are still in existence now , they made er er locks for , for , for cars , the Bloxwich lock , that was their biggest trade was er , was er the bigger locks .
3 When we were shown into the chargé 's office , I studiously avoided shaking hands or having any eye contact , determined to alert him to the fact that I understood and respected their religious customs , in the hope that it might make a difference .
4 Thinking about this now , I know that what I was saying in wanting my periods back was that I wanted to be a woman , that I wanted and liked my female body , that my years of confusion and self-dislike were beginning to be over .
5 Well , they thought they were superior because their trade was classified Grade I and Met was only Grade 2 , so they got paid more than I did and considered they were a cut above me in every way .
6 The first time I just heard a sort of brassy actor 's voice with a bit of Northern in it , so I apologized and said it was a wrong number .
7 Someone had left the scullery window open , so I closed and fastened it . ’
8 I was born and brought up in this town and I thought and hoped my future was here .
9 A courageous and independent elderly woman once said this to me , and I understood and respected her feelings ; for few elderly people want to give up their own home and go to live with relatives .
10 I suddenly cottoned on to what he was up to , and I ran and fetched our short washing-line , the one my mum used for dusters and tea-cloths .
11 ‘ So we did that and I went and told everybody , because I was like sixteen at the time I did it .
12 So I got it off Maggie and I went and got yours back , fetched it back over did n't I ?
13 so 's tonight I 'm a different person cos I 've put make up and I went and got my hair done and I feel different tonight but I do n't feel under pressure that I have to wear make up all the time cos nobody treats me any different whether I 've got make up on or whether
14 Also a photo of all the officers of Walsall that I saw in a second hand shop and I went and bought it for a few pence .
15 He was sitting at his desk and I went and put my arms round him from behind , and nuzzled his ear .
16 Later he became a close family friend and I envied and admired him , for he got to one remote and interesting place after another — Somaliland , Abyssinia , Kurdistan , Burma and China .
17 Hundred and two minutes each tape and I sat and watched them yesterday .
18 We had to have solved so much problems and I just this way and I just would n't have it you know it 's just impossible it 's impossible and I hummed and hawed which way and hummed and hawed which way .
19 My girlfriend and I shouted and screamed our denials , but they would n't believe us .
20 If I pulled out he would probably do me over for being a chicken , but if I competed and beat him ( unlikely but not impossible ) … well , I might as well have booked my hospital bed then and there .
21 The same would be true to a lesser extent if I allowed and helped someone to write my life .
22 I could not forget the footprint , but I saw and heard nothing more , and slowly I began to feel happier .
23 ‘ I should have paid it , but I forgot and heard nothing for ages .
24 The others had potential , but I bathed and groomed her as if for Crufts and made my way to the hospital .
25 So there 's a whole range now which requires just one prime mover to lift these pods and deposit them where they 're needed , and it 's been done in Germany elsewhere , in Fire Brigades elsewhere , certainly in Germany because I went and saw them there as well , and it 's a very simple straightforward progressive sort of way of dealing with problems of the Fire Service .
26 I had to learn and to make many new things , and it was a year before I cooked and ate my first bread .
27 And when I went and got him up this morning his legs were out the bottom of the cot again !
28 If you 'd done as I asked and left me alone then none of it would have happened . ’
29 It was just a fantasy I nurtured for a few years as I puffed and panted my way through the ten-foots and alleyways of downtown Hull .
30 My aching muscles were slow to obey as I soaped and towelled myself and pulled on my shirt .
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