Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb mod] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Since then I have done something I should have done in the first place : found a gap in the rushes only ten yards downstream where I can heave into the fish without pulling them into more weed .
2 Drops of condensed water fell on to her head from the ceiling and she thought , I must leave soon or I shall melt into the atmosphere .
3 That I would step into the gap maybe .
4 ‘ It also made a lot of sense that part of the service Metaltronix offered was that I would go into the studio and tweak the gear while these guys were recording , and that 's what happened .
5 When I said that I must look into the matter , I was referring to the franked envelope , not its contents .
6 I wish that I could go into the matter in more detail .
7 Keith Thomas pressed a button and a huge door clanked upwards so that I could peer into the heart of the furnace .
8 I picked him up gently , just to move him back so that I could look into the box …
9 Just as I was trying to find a hole in the hedge , so that I could get into the next field , I saw another giant coming towards me .
10 I remember I had to get some photos so I could get into the swimming pool for nothing .
11 I would always plan on a day when I felt brave and I would walk into the drugstore and see who was behind the counter .
12 and my heart went some where else and I think erm , the , the marriage erm , the love in my marriage was definitely killed by an act which my partner did and I would fall into the crimes of passion I think because I mean to , to me he committed the deadly sin of all and that was adultery and I could never forgive him for that and I think that picks up on a lot , many issues which have been raised tonight about you have to have trust in a partnership , you have to give and take and people change and some people can accept all that but I was not willing to do so .
13 And I will go into the travel agents in town .
14 Light was coming from Duke Michael 's window opposite me across the moat , and I could see into the room .
15 Hockey is a very low game and it 's all in the quads in your upper legs and I can move into the ball without slowing down , where as a bigger guy has to run in and stoop down ’ .
16 If I should wander into the uncharted minefield of personal opinion it is only with the benefit of hindsight .
17 He added , ‘ But I would chuck it immediately if I could get into the army . ’
18 It would be fun if I could get into the , that rocket too , thought Scott .
19 That has always been the position , but I shall look into the case to which the hon. Gentleman refers .
20 I am not sure which battalion my hon. Friend means , but I shall look into the matter and reply later .
21 I knew he 'd be inside his ground-floor flat with the door locked before I could get into the hall , no matter how fast I was .
22 You see when Steve used to erm come down to Selby I mean there were , there were occasions when I used to go into the college with him and sit in on some of his interviews .
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